List of Natural Supplements for Weight Loss

The humanity has several problems loitering around its existence. But the biggest problems among the whole sea of problems is the ones that are directly connected to human health and the adversities it can have from our lifestyle today. Today one of the biggest problem that is slowly and steadily engulfing the world in its paws is obesity and high weight levels. This problem is not country or region specific but people across the globe are suffering with this health issue. This problem is fatal but most of people around the boundaries of the world do not take it seriously until and unless the increased weight causes a fatal health issue to their bodies.

The biggest problem is that when we get started to work on it, most of times it’s very difficult and we try following the easy way to get rid of it. Either by getting extra fat removed from the body, if we have extra dollars to spend just like that, or we take artificial or natural supplements for weight loss in an easy way. But in this whole process we forget about thinking about what harm we are doing to our bodies.

In this whole course, if we go by the first way and get the liposuction done we get rid of some amount of fat from the body but also invite a large number of health issues towards the body among which many are even fatal. The other way is taking supplements, where the number of people taking artificial supplements to lose weight in comparison to the ones taking natural supplements is very high.

Artificial supplements seem really good with all the advantages written on the advertisement or the early days good effects it has, but it is also not good for our bodies if taken is regularly. So, if you can hit the gym then that is the best way to lose weight but otherwise spend your hard earned money on natural supplements for weight loss fast program you have started.

Why I support Natural Supplements for weight loss?

Nature is the man’s best friend and is there to help us in any problem we are in. It has the answer to every trouble we encounter. When it comes to human health, why do we need any artificial things when mother nature has it all to feed us the best and in the most nutritious form.

But in the recent times food has gone the artificial way, with tonnes and tonnes of food contents being made out of artificial ingredients, much of it is done because of easy availability of natural products but another reason is the cheap rates it is available to the crowd. Now when you go to the nearest supermarket all you see is the freezers filled with drinks helping you to lose weight and or chocolate bars that help you fill your stomach and not gain weight.

Although these seem really very tempting to try out these so called weight loss supplements, quite a little is effectively known about the effectiveness and safety these supplements bring along with the effects they have on your body on the whole. It is due to a low number of particular clinical trials and proper authority checks these current set of artificial supplements hardly are given a proper nod by most of the drug and medical authorities across the whole globe.

Why are you starving yourself by having these unnatural drinks, bars and supplements ? lose the tempt of these not any good things, take up natural supplements for weight loss on the go.

If you even consult your doctor for an instance to get an advice on how you should go about losing the additional kilos you have put up that are causing an adverse effect on your body. He or she is surely going to tell to follow the natural way, carry out a good number of hours to do physical exercise, devote a good amount of your time in the gym and eat healthy. Thinking about what to eat and what not to, keep reading further for a comprehensive list of natural supplements you can have to reduce your weight.

Some Important Natural Supplements For Weight Loss are

  • Green Tea- There is a number of studies that indicate that some substances in the green tea, like theanine, this may rise the rate of your metabolism and and thus helps you lose weight.

  • Capsaicin– Capsaicin a natural compound in chilli peppers, is said to promote weight loss.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar – This has been associated with weight loss for long and it also makes you feel full when you drink a little amount of it.

  • Chia- Chia is a rare plant that is sold in the form of seed, oil, and capsule form and is very often propagated as a source of weight loss.

Why is Selenium Good For You?

A human body is really one of its kind, its precious and really very diversified in nature. It is made up of a large number of organs, a freaking number of bones i.e 206 to be precise and a endless in number body tissues and cells. As we humans grow our body also grows by leaps and bounds, then be it be the physical appearance of our body or the mental section of the body, we humans grow throwout. Growing up seems to be a cakewalk as we see our elder counterparts grow up with so much ease, when young all we want is grow old on the go and enjoy all the things which are a total no no for us at this point of time.

During this whole process of growing up and maintaining our health, our body needs several vitamins and minerals in this course of growth. One such mineral is selenium, are you thinking what is it or how is selenium good for you, stay up and keep reading the blog further.

What is Selenium?

You may not be aware that your body needs selenium in some amount. Just like all other vital minerals, it’s very important for the proper functioning of the human body, though our body need it in far less quantity in the body unlike several other essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin D, folate,iron to name a few of them among the whole group. That is the reason why selenium is referred to as a micronutrient.

Here’s why selenium is good for you in any form?
Selenium is basically a mineral found in very low amounts in the human body. Why is selenium good for you because it works in the body as a vital antioxidant, especially when it combines with vitamin E. These antioxidants such as selenium help the body to fight against its damaging particles which is precisely called free radicals. These free radicals can lead to a huge damage cell membranes and the body’s DNA It also contributes to the process of aging and another set of many body conditions which include coronary diseases and several types of cancer. Selenium as an antioxidants can lead to neutralizing the level of free radicals in the body and also in many cases leads to a reduction or help in preventing some of the damage these radicals cause to the human body.

Scientists have also derived from several studies that selenium has a important role to play in the body’s production of important nutrients called selenoproteins, which is a family of proteins which contain traces of selenium in the form of amino acids. So far about twenty five different selenoproteins are isolated in the human body, but among them only half of their possible functions are only identified

Ways to get Selenium In Your Body

If you are convinced that with the fact and as a yes to the question is selenium good for you, then you must be looking for ways to add selenium to your body. Selenium is not a highly found minerals its just found in small quantities and is very difficult to get a reach of at times. So, here’s a list of food products that are rich in selenium and can hiken the mineral’s level in your body.

  • Brazil Nuts- Don’t go by the name, these nuts are available in mostly all parts of the world and contain high levels of selenium in them in comparison to other food products.

  • Seafood- If you are a non-vegetarian and love eating sea food, you problem of fulfilling your body’s selenium needs is solved. All you need to do is cook an oyster, it has very high selenium content, and just eat it and your deliciously solved your health issue.

  • Fish- Other seafood entry in the rich selenium food stuff list is fish, especially tuna which when cooked well is a great way to increase your selenium intake on the go.

  • Whole Wheat Bread- One of the easily available sources of selenium is the whole wheat bread which when eaten in any form gives rise to the selenium levels of the human body.

  • Sunflower Seeds- Known for several other benefits it causes to the human body another addition to the goodness list of sunflower seeds is that it updates the body’s level of selenium. Have it any form and the selenium are instantly up in the body.

  • Chicken And Turkey- Are you selenium deficient? don’t worry just cook chicken more often and have it good amounts to increase your selenium levels in addition to other benefits it has on you. In case of Turkey, don’t wait for thanksgiving cook more of it to keep the body’s mineral levels up.

Better Tone up with ‘NO’ Supplements

Your urge for a stronger musculature makes you sweat and slog in the gym. As you advance with this body building mission you tend to get more updated on the various supplements that will help you build your muscles much more efficiently. So, you obviously must know about protein shakes, whey powders, stimulants etc. But there is something else that can help you to optimize your efforts. These are NO supplements. And NO means nothing but Nitric Oxide! Yes. This simple compound can help you have vein popping effects that can make you grab more oxygen and nutrients for better recovery from fatigue. Following are some advantages of Nitric oxide supplements:


Athletes training for long distance events can use supplements enriched with nitric acid for better performances. As discussed before, these supplements increase the oxygen supply to the cells and relieve you from running out of energy. Nitric oxide supplements are highly recommended for people training at high altitudes.


If Gyming leaves you dead tired, supplements with Nitric oxide are just meant for you. These supplements make the smooth muscles in your body to relax and thus allow more oxygen to flow to the muscles. The primary function of nitric oxide is speedy recovery which makes you spend more hours on intensive work outs.


Your body heats up when you exercise which triggers its natural cooling mechanism. This process requires energy. As a result, your energy levels droop to ultra low levels. Nitric oxide improves the blood flow to the tissues and thus quickens the cooling mechanism. So, you are left with more energy for work outs!


Who doesn’t love bulged out muscles look post exercise? This happens due to increased blood flow to the muscles after a rigorous work out. So, as Nitric oxide helps to improve the blood flow, it also helps to enhance the muscle pump. Surely a good way to keep you motivated!

All the above points will translate in to a better performance during work outs with an improved endurance level. However, seeking a medical advice before indulging in these supplements is a must. Nitric oxide supplements may have certain negative effects that can be managed with proper medical guidance. Some side effects of nitric oxide supplements are:

Effects Blood Pressure : Being a vasodilator, nitric acid may lead to decrease in blood pressure causing dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. It is advised to stop using this supplement in case these symptoms occur.

Make You More Prone To Herpes : Supplements with Nitric Oxide are generally rich in L- Arginine which helps to promote the replication of herpes virus. Outbreak of herpes has been noted in various cases just a few days after starting NO supplements. Thus people prone to herpes infections must avoid these supplements.

Stomach Problems : Don’t consume NO supplements with empty stomach. This may lead to stomach cramps and nausea. It is best to consult your doctor is the problem continues.

Disturb The Electrolyte Balance : Refrain from NO rich supplements if you have liver or kidney issues as they can affect the processes involved in maintaining the levels of electrolytes in the body. Excess of NO can increase the levels of urea and creatinine which can have deleterious effects on the health.

Bleeding : Drop the idea of consuming NO supplements, if you are dealing with a blood disorder or are taking blood thinning drugs. The vasodilatory effect of NO relaxes the blood vessels which can lead to excessive bleeding.

Depamine Levels : You may be disturbing your dopamine transporters while consuming nitric oxide products. Dopamine is an essential neurotransmitter which plays a vital role primarily in managing your memory and sleep cycles. So, reconsider taking these supplements if you face any symptoms related to sleep or memory.

Other sources of Nitric oxide:
  • Dark Chocolate: Try chocolate for your cheat days. This will surely make your taste buds happy but along with that it is known to trigger NO production in the body. What more can a health freak ask for!
  • Capsicum: Take the spicier way to get nitric oxide naturally. Capsaicin, a compound found in capsicum and other spicy food products stimulates the receptors in the blood vessels which result in NO production in the body.
  • Tofu: This non dairy cheese mimic is rich in isofalvanoids and these help to produce NO naturally in the body.
  • Sunlight and Exercise : Did you think that sun can only push up your vitamin D levels? Along with that sunlight stimulates the conversion of nitrite present in the skin to nitric oxide. Another good reason to enjoy the sun, isn’t it? Exercise it known to stimulate NO production too.

So, get ready to say ‘Yes’ to NO and be ready for some incredible benefits.

Pre Work Out Supplements- Be Well Prepared for a Mighty Work Out

A loose T shirt, track pants, sport shoes, maybe a skullcap, and you are all geared up for a good work out. Really? Because there is something you might be missing out on. These are the pre work- out supplements. Pre work out supplements can help you pump up your strength and endurance for an efficient work out. They provide your body with the much needed power boosting nutrients before you hit the gym to make your body perform at its best. There are generally four types of Pre work out supplements namely, strength and power boosters, energy boosters, stimulants and muscle boosters.

Vitamins and Supplements

Strength and Power Boosters:

Eating a heavy diet before indulging in a strenuous physical activity is not recommended. So, you need some quick absorbing foods which kick up your energy and power levels within no time. The pre work out power boosting supplements can provide you with a gush of power to make you perform well during your work out. Generally, power boosting supplements contain:

  • Betaine– a modified form of amino acid and has been found to pump up the energy levels by 25%.
  • Beta-Alanine– is an amino acid known to promote muscle power.
  • Creatine– replenishes your body’s ATP to keep you going for a long time.

Energy Boosters:

You cannot exercise well with drooping levels of energy. Pre workout supplements with energy boosters are enriched with the following components.

  • Tyrosine: This amino acid has a track record for increasing stamina and focus. It also helps the body to produce certain neurotransmitters such as adrenalin and dopamine.
  • Taurine: Its helps the heart to pump more blood to your muscles and thus increase the endurance by about 50 %
  • B Vitamins: These are key vitamins for energy production. You could tale Vitamin B supplements separately if it is not included in your pre workout supplements. 


Generally, excess weight and a desire for a toned up body, ‘stimulate’ you to join the gym. However, other than these stimulants, there are some supplements that help you to pick up some more strength and endurance. Such types of supplements with pre work out stimulants contain:

  • Caffeine: It is a well known psychoactive compound which improves your reflexes and keeps you activated.
  • Green tea: A storehouse of antioxidants, this beverage provides overall health benefits.
  • Choline: This compound helps to produce acetylcholine for more powerful muscle contractions for longer intervals of time. Acetylcholine helps to have a sharper mind with better focus.

Muscle Builders: If you are aspiring for building your body, you need a lot more than just shedding your extra weight. Supplements enriched with body building compounds help to increase your muscle mass leading to hypertrophy. These often contain:

  • Branched amino acid supplements: Being an aspiring body builder, you need to update your knowledge about the various well known body building supplements too. To start with, you must know about branched amino acid supplements. These contain three essential amino acids- valine, isoleucine, leucine that are metabolized in the muscles and account for more than 30% of muscle protein.
  • Glutamine: Although glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids present in your body, but scientists believe that long stretch of intense work out can deplete its concentration. Hence, acquiring glutamine supplements can help to restore it in the body promoting muscle growth.

Other than all the above supplements you can even take brain boosting supplements for pre work out such as caffeine and choline. If you are wondering about the reason of consuming brain boosters during work outs, there is a simple explanation to give you. You cannot perform well during a workout without a strong muscle and mind connection. Exercise is a holistic approach to strengthen both body and mind. So, these supplements help you to focus well during your workout regime. You can also go for nuts such as almonds, walnuts, raisins for instant food for your brain.

Disadvantages that pre work out supplements may have:

  • May increased Blood Pressure
  • Induce insomnia and anxiety
  • Athletes may test positive for doping due to certain compounds in the supplements.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Can cause gastrointestinal problems.

Hence, supplements for pre work out must be consumed judiciously and after seeking a medical advice. Green salads enriched with essential vitamins and minerals can make a good meal before an intense work out. Pre work out protein shakes are good options too. Also, add essential fatty acids such as omega 3 in your meals to reduce exercise induced muscle soreness. However, consistency is the key to success in work outs. So, stop looking for excuses to skip the gym if you don’t want all your efforts to go waste.

Be Smart With the Use of Vitamins and Supplements

Every other day we get to hear how a certain herbal or vitamin supplement will help treat a chronic disease or improve the quality of our lives drastically. However, information about such supplements is either vague or is often confusing. This makes it hard to know which dietary supplement is offering genuine health benefits and which amongst them is giving false promises, or worse still, running the risk of actually damaging your health. So, how can you be smart with the use of vitamins and supplements?

By learning all that you can about vitamins and supplements, you can actually make better choices of what’s best for you!

Do you know what dietary supplements actually are?

Dietary supplements can be defined as the products which:

  • Supplement the food you eat

  • Has one or more dietary ingredients as its key constituents

  • Is available in the form of a soft-gel, tablet, capsule or liquid form

  • Has a label stating that it’s a dietary supplement

The market today offers various kinds of nutritional synthetic or natural vitamins and supplements. But, you need to remember that the best vitamins and supplements are the ones that offer micro-nutrients that help your body function smoothly and effectively.

Mineral and Vitamin Supplements: Do They Work?

Minerals and vitamins are the micro-nutrients which benefit the body in a unique way. Vitamin A, for instance, helps support normal vision along with stronger bone growth and Vitamin E, on the other hand, helps repair DNA and also maintains immune strength. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals can impair a body’s ability to heal and to protect itself naturally.

It should also be noted that taking vitamin and mineral supplements cannot make up for an unhealthy diet, as these are insufficient substitutes for fresh fruits, whole grains and vegetables. But, a general multivitamin or mineral supplement can function as an efficient protective shield against periodic nutritional shortfalls from our diet. Every other day we get to hear how a certain herbal or vitamin supplement will help treat a chronic disease or improve the quality of our lives drastically. However, information about such supplements is either vague or is often confusing. This makes it hard to know which dietary supplement is offering genuine health benefits and which amongst them is giving false promises, or worse still, running the risk of actually damaging your health. So, how can you be smart with the use of vitamins and supplements?

By learning all that you can about vitamins and supplements, you can actually make better choices of what’s best for you!

Do you know what dietary supplements actually are?

Dietary supplements can be defined as the products which:

  • Supplement the food you eat

  • Has one or more dietary ingredients as its key constituents

  • Is available in the form of a soft-gel, tablet, capsule or liquid form

  • Has a label stating that it’s a dietary supplement

The market today offers various kinds of nutritional synthetic or natural vitamins and supplements. But, you need to remember that the best vitamins and supplements are the ones that offer micro-nutrients that help your body function smoothly and effectively.

Mineral and Vitamin Supplements: Do They Work?

Minerals and vitamins are the micro-nutrients which benefit the body in a unique way. Vitamin A, for instance, helps support normal vision along with stronger bone growth and Vitamin E, on the other hand, helps repair DNA and also maintains immune strength. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals can impair a body’s ability to heal and to protect itself naturally.

It should also be noted that taking vitamin and mineral supplements cannot make up for an unhealthy diet, as these are insufficient substitutes for fresh fruits, whole grains and vegetables. But, a general multivitamin or mineral supplement can function as an efficient protective shield against periodic nutritional shortfalls from our diet. Every other day we get to hear how a certain herbal or vitamin supplement will help treat a chronic disease or improve the quality of our lives drastically. However, information about such supplements is either vague or is often confusing. This makes it hard to know which dietary supplement is offering genuine health benefits and which amongst them is giving false promises, or worse still, running the risk of actually damaging your health. So, how can you be smart with the use of vitamins and supplements?

Who All Can Benefit From Vitamins and Supplements?

Everyone, ranging from children to adults to elders – can benefit from taking one multivitamin each day. This helps provide a consistent source of essential vitamins and micro-nutrients the body needs to be healthy. However, your first consideration should be to eat a well-balanced and healthy diet, as even the best supplement is no substitute for a good nutrition.

Mentioned below are the specific groups of people, based on distinct nutritional needs, who can benefit most from taking vitamins and supplements:

  • Pregnant or lactating women

  • Children with irregular eating habits

  • Aging adults

  • Vegans as they may easily fall short of certain essential nutrients

  • People with certain medical conditions or the ones with eating disorders

Tips To Ensure Smart Supplementation

The actual meaning of ‘supplement’ is adding something extra. This means, by taking any supplement you’re adding nutrients to your basic healthy diet. Following a regular supplement or vitamin regimen will not necessarily help cure your prevailing ailment. Also, it is important to remember that not all supplements are going to be beneficial, especially when consumed in toxic doses or when combined with other medications.

So, before you start supplementation, make sure you ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why do I need this supplement?

  • Is this specific supplement safe?

  • Does this supplement interact with other medications?

  • Do I have enough information about this supplement?

Top Safety Concerns You Should Consider While Taking Health Vitamins and Supplements

Certain dietary supplements have the tendency to interact with other medications, such as prescription drugs or over-the-counter medicines. This is one main reason why you should consult your health care provider before taking any supplement. Other safety concerns with supplementation include:

  1. Certain dietary supplements can cause undesirable effects during surgery

Most supplement brands would advise you to discontinue the use of the supplements at least two weeks before or after the surgery. This is done to avoid the potentially dangerous drug/supplement interactions, which may otherwise result into changes in blood pressure, heart rate and may also cause excessive bleeding. So, consult your doctor about every vitamin and herbal supplement and also any other medication you are taking well in advance before surgery.

  1. The more the better – Not always true

Even if a particular supplement is providing extreme benefits to your body, excessive doses of the same may still result into undesirable health problems. Having green tea, for instance, may deliver powerful anti-oxidant and fat-burning benefits, but higher doses of green tea supplements may cause toxic effects on the liver.

How to Buy Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Supplements

One of the safest ways to buy quality and reliable vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements is to carry thorough research at your end and to purchase supplements only from a reputable vitamin store or from a health practitioner. Mentioned below are the tips on how you can research for quality nutritional supplements:

  1. Safety and efficacy: Before you begin supplementation, make sure the product you choose is safe and effective. Go through the internet and look for the fact sheets on dietary supplements along with their safety aspects.

  2. Dosage: Learn about the efficacy of the supplement you intend to take. Learn about the efficiency of the respective supplement on various health conditions, along with its safety concerns and recommended dosages for children and adults.

  3. Quality: Always prefer taking standardized products and remember not all discount vitamins and supplements come with proper standardization.

Supplement your Knowledge about Supplements!

Stuck in a stinking busy life? But, your body needs all the nutrients in right amount to keep going. So why not pop a pill and make up for all the missing nutrients that cannot be taken care of through diet! This is why most of us reach out for vitamin and mineral supplements. However, there is some vital information that you must gulp before a vitamin pill. After all, you have to choose a supplement from a myriad of products. So what is to be kept in mind before selecting a supplement?

Powder, Capsule or Syrup?

After you have figured out what vitamin or mineral you are deprived of, you can browse through a range of supplements available online. These are being offered in various dosage forms such as powders, tablets, capsules, tonics etc. What makes them different from one another is the rate at which your body absorbs the supplement. If you judge a supplement by its taste-tablet or capsule may be the best for you. However, certain supplements are made as capsule or tablet to protect them from the corrosive stomach environment. Also, not all formulations of a specific vitamin are the same. For example, you need to decide whether to pick Vitamin D2 or D3 supplement for maximum health benefits. These days’ manufacturers have come up with pure supplements which offer high quality-hypoallergenic supplements for safe consumption. It is best to seek your doctor’s advice about the correct dosage form and formulations.

How safe is your Supplement?

When you buy a pack of biscuits, do you ever look for its safety warning or animal testing details? Certainly not! Similarly, even dietary supplements are treated as foods rather than medications by regulatory authorities. This means that supplements manufacturers don’t have to show their products safety before launching them in the market. However, the product can be recalled from the market only if it is found to be unsafe. Efforts are being made to bring supplement manufacturers follow certain standards called GMP or Good Manufacturing Practices like pharmaceutical manufacturers. The contact information of the maker is also mentioned on the bottle so that he may be contacted in case the consumer seeks any information.

Also, if you think the more the better is true for vitamins too, you are badly mistaken! Vitamins, especially fat soluble, must be avoided in high doses as they can be detrimental. Thankfully, extra amount of water soluble vitamins are expelled in urine.

People who must avoid the supplements

Supplements can interact with certain medications. Always consult your doctor before adding vitamins or supplements to your diet. The following people should avoid certain supplements:

  • Children younger than 18 years must not indulge in dietary supplements.
  • Those taking heart medications, diuretics, blood thinners, aspirin, immune-suppressing medications or steroid medications must avoid supplements as these drugs dangerously interact with dietary supplements which can result in grave complications.

  • A prenatal vitamin supplement is beneficial for pregnant and lactating women. But, some kinds of supplements can be dangerous for the baby. 

  • Supplements must be avoided pre-surgery as they may cause bleeding and other dangerous complications.

Be a smart buyer:

Keep these tips in mind before buying a supplement:

  1. Browse the net and look for scientific evidence about the supplement, its effectiveness and safety in published scientific studies. PUBMED database might be quite helpful in this.

  2. No product is a magic potion! Don’t get carried away by compelling descriptions which promise to ‘cure’ you from a chronic disease within a ‘stipulated time’. It is a combination of everything – exercise, balanced diet, proper treatment and medication apart from the supplements you take that gives you relief.

  3. Also don’t hesitate to contact the manufacturer to enquire about a specific product or data that the company has collected to validate the product’s claim.

  4. Keep a check on the lists of supplements that have been reported to have adverse effects. These lists are maintained by FDA or NCCAM and updated online from time to time.

Quick tips for using dietary supplements:

Now that you have bought your supplement after all the rigorous investigation, following points must be taken care of:

  1. Refrain from exceeding recommended dosages or take the supplement for longer than recommended.

  2. Store the vitamins and supplements in a cool, dry, dark place to maintain their efficacy.

  3. Always keep the all supplements out of the reach of the children, either on a high shelf or locked in a cabinet.

Always remember, that vitamins are always better on the plate than in pills and nothing can replace the goodness of food. Supplements can help you bridge the nutrition gaps in your diet but if you are regularly skipping your meals or following an unhealthy diet plan, you supplement in take will be rendered useless.

Are You Doing Enough To Protect Your Bones?

You would be surprised to know that your bones keep changing all through your life. This means, now is the right time to think about their health. The following article discusses some essential tips to help you protect and monitor the health of your bones.

You probably don’t think about it much, but your skeleton structure is an incredible part of your body. From a total of 300 bones you had at birth to 206 bones you have by the age of 25, your bones fuse and renew, to develop a strong framework in order to protect body’s organs and help you stay fit and healthy.

Here’s What You Should Know about Vitamin D: Boosting Your Bone Health

Vitamin D popularly known as the sunshine vitamin is necessary for maintaining good bone health. A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to serious health consequences as our body loses its capacity to absorb calcium effectively.

Calcium works with Vitamin D to help support the growth cycle of bone formation, ensuring that it can be used as and when needed by the bones, teeth and other parts of the body.

You’ll come across various kinds of milk products, juices and cereal products that are sold with ‘Vitamin D fortified’ labels attached. But, the most easily available source of this nutrient comes from direct sun exposure. Exposing your skin to ultra-violet radiation prompts the body to produce Vitamin D. However, during the short winter days this source is less readily available. So, how can you support your bone health during winter?

Add a Supplement to Your Diet

This is by far the most convenient method to flag up your Vitamin D levels, especially during cold winter months. Adding a quality Vitamin D supplement, such as iOTH’s iDaily- D, can help you compliment the natural food sources in your daily meals, ensuring you get required doses of this vitamin on a day to day basis.

The Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) of Vitamin D for girls and boys up to 18 years of age is 600 IU per day. This range remains the same for adult males and females, aged between 19 to 70 years and increases up to 800 IU in aging adults over 70 years of age.

Look What You Eat

There are certain foods that can help you get fair quantities of Vitamin D. These foods include salmon, margarine and mackerel along with other fortified milk products and UV exposed mushrooms.

However, it must be noted that you cannot fulfill your daily Vitamin D requirement through diet alone, which is why it is very important you add a daily dose of Vitamin D supplement to your diet.

This is specifically important during winter months when less sunlight is available to you and other sources of Vitamin D become more and more crucial.

Exercise Your Way to Build Bone Mass

A living tissue, your bones are constantly being broken down and rebuild in a process called as remodeling. It is up to the age of 20 – 30 years that the rate of bone formation exceeds that of bone destruction in individuals who get enough Vitamin D and the ones who exercise.

However, during later stages of life, bone destruction typically exceeds the production process. But the good news is – you can actually reduce the bone loss with age, provided you exercise on a regular basis.

This is especially true for weight-bearing exercises, including walking, running, weight lifting, playing games such as tennis, dancing and hiking, etc. These are some of the best ways to boost your overall bone health.

Guarding Against Osteoporosis

People who do not get sufficient quantities of Vitamin D or the ones, who do not perform any type of physical activities, stand at a greater risk of developing osteoporosis – a painful disease that is typically characterized by weakening of bone tissues followed by low bone mass.

If ignored to left untreated, it can lead to fractures, most commonly on the hip region, wrist or even spine.

Remember, osteoporosis can develop undetected over a period of many years. However, a proper bone mineral density test can help you detect it in its early stages, such that you can determine your risk of fractures and even monitor your response to the respective treatment.

Maximizing Safe Sun Exposure for Best Results

Natural Vitamin D is good for you and you can even get it in cold winter days as well, but for that you need to be strategic. People with moderately fair skin should enjoy the mid-day sun for 7-30 minutes to get sufficient quantities of Vitamin D daily.

However, people with darker skin tone are required to spend more time out in the sun to gain similar quantities of Vitamin D. This means you are required to spend anywhere between 20 minutes to 3 hours exposure to mid-day sun.

But, it should be noted that if you going to step out into the sun, make sure you have adequate sun protection even in winters!

Are Fish Oil Supplements Good for Skin and Hair?

The main reason that fish oil has gained so much popularity is because they are high in omega-3 fatty acids. The omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in brain function, normal growth and development and inflammation. Deficiencies of omega-3 have been linked to a variety of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, some cancers, disorders of mood, arthritis and more.

If you see the current souk you’ll see fish oil supplements mostly in the form of capsules. However, some experts believe that the best way to receive benefits is consuming the fish and not in the form of supplements. Fish rich in omega-3 include mackerel, mackerel, lake trout, salmon, sardines, herring and tuna. The recommended amount is two servings per week. If you do not eat fish or shellfish, you may get omega-3 from flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts, canola oil and soybean oil.

Health benefits of fish oil supplements

Strengthens cardiovascular health

Studies show that fish oil can lower blood pressure, lower triglycerides, decrease the development of plaque in the arteries, reducing the risk of heart rhythm disturbances, reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke and reducing the risk of sudden cardiac death in people with heart disease.There is currently a dispute as to the fish oil supplements because some studies have shown they are not as effective as eating fish.

Relieves rheumatoid arthritis

Studies show that omega-3 fish oil fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect in the body. Several studies have shown that fish oil supplementation may help reduce morning stiffness caused by rheumatoid arthritis. The results are not immediate; it may take weeks or months to feel the difference.

For more intelligent children

Preliminary studies show that babies fed formula enriched with omega-3 DHA have better hand-eye coordination, can pay attention for longer, and have better social skills and better results on IQ tests. Studies have shown that children born to mothers who took supplements of omega-3 (DHA and EPA) during pregnancy and during the first months of breastfeeding had higher scores on cognitive tests at 4 years of age compared with children whose mothers took supplements of DHA and EPA.

There is also some evidence that the fortified formula omega-3 promotes growth and brain development in premature infants.

Improves skin health

Fish oil is ideal for improving dry skin. It is also useful in treating various skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, itching, acne, skin redness, skin lesions and rashes. Fish oil also can be applied topically to get relief from psoriasis. Some enthusiasts say that fish oil helps prevent sunburn, but ho no clear cut evidence.

Improves hair health

Fish oil helps in keeping hair shiny and stimulates the growth because it provides nutrients to the hair follicles. This helps increase the volume of hair and prevent hair loss. Protein is also necessary for hair growth as most varieties of fish are rich in protein; eating fish helps maintain healthy hair.

Promotes mental health

Mental conditions such as Alzheimer\’s disease, dementia and even schizophrenia and depression are serious conditions that affect not only the person suffering from the disease, but also their friends and family. Studies have found that the intake of fish oil helps maintain the function of dopamine and serotonin, two hormones that are believed to play an important role in the conditions described above. It is important to remember that although fish oil can help in the treatment of these diseases, talk to your doctor.

To combat seasonal allergies

Omega-3 fatty acids seem as valuable assets in case of seasonal allergies in two ways – firstly, for its anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce inflammation in the sinuses caused by histamine; secondly, to strengthen the immune system of the body. The omega-3 alone will not eliminate allergies but can be considered as part of an overall holistic treatment plan.

For hyperactive children

Fish oil supplement is essential for brain functioning and development. According to research conducted at the University of South Australia, a significant improvement was observed in children with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity who take these supplements.

For pregnant women

DHA in fish oil strengthens the development of the baby\’s organs such as the brain and eyes. In addition, for women with a history of losses, fish oil protects against miscarriages and premature births. If you are pregnant ask your doctor to recommend a good fish oil supplement.

To reduce the risk of stroke

Stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain is blocked or broken. Omega-3s help reduce some of the risk factors for stroke include high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and atherosclerosis.


Fish Oil is probably safe for most people, including pregnant women and breastfeeding through, when consumed at low (3 grams or less per day) dose. It can cause side effects such as:

Soft stools