Getting Your Facts Right On Grape Seed Extracts Benefits

Grapes have long been known for their medicinal and nutritional value. It would be interesting to learn that Egyptians consumed grapes at least 6ooo years ago, and many Greek philosophers praised the benefits of grapes, often in its wine form. Folk healers from Europe used to make an ointment using the sap of grapevines for treating eye and skin diseases. Grape leaves were used for treating conditions, such as inflammation, pain as well as bleeding, usually the kind caused due to hemorrhoids. That’s not all, unripe grapes were largely used to cure sore throats and dried grapes were commonly used as a remedy for constipation and thirst.

Grapes, or the chemicals present within them have long been touted for their powerful antioxidant benefits. It is rightly believed that these could help cure a number of diseases, ranging from aging skin, heart diseases to even cancer, although there no good scientific evidence for most of these claims made. But, there are good evidences that prove that grape seed extracts help in the treatment of edema and chronic venous insufficiency.

Composition Of Grapes

Grape seeds are a rich source of flavonoids, OPCs, Vitamin E and linoleic acid. Slightly reduced concentrations of all these are also present in grape skin and also in grape wine and juice. Resveratrol is another essential compound found in grapes and grape seed extracts and is related to OPCs. Resveratrol has recently gained a lot of popularity owing to its antioxidant properties and is being studied for various health conditions.

Medicinal Uses, Indications And Benefits Of Grape Seed Extract

Today, standardized grape seed extract India may be used to cure a number of health conditions, related to the damage caused by free radicals, including heart diseases, cancer and diabetes. Other common benefits of grape seed extract include protection against bacterial infections. Also the flavonoids, found in red wine may help preserve and promote heart health by lowering LDL (“bad cholesterol”).

However, contrary to the “French Paradox”, drinking alcohol to prevent heart diseases is largely not advocated by the American Heart Association and other reputable organizations, because of the high potential for developing addiction as well as other serious issues, such as increased risk of liver diseases, hypertension, weight gain and breast cancer.


Edema, which is generally characterized as swelling caused due to an injury or surgery, seems to heal at a faster rate when people take grape seed extract India. This is a common problem that generally results after breast cancer surgery. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study revealed that patients who were given 600 mg of grape seed extract regularly after surgery for 6 months, experienced reduced symptoms of edema and pain as compared to those who took placebo.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency

The main characteristics of Chronic Venous Insufficiency include symptoms like severe pain due to blood pools in legs, followed by swelling, visible veins and fatigue. A number of studies have revealed that OPCs from grape seed extract can help reduce all these symptoms.

High Cholesterol             

Although, there is not much of an evidence for grape seed extract benefits for high cholesterol, but preliminary studies do show some promising results. A study was conducted on 40 people, suffering from high levels of cholesterol to identify whether taking chromium, grape seed extract or a combination of both or placebo for a period of 2 months, would result in reduced levels of cholesterol or not. It was seen that a combination of chromium and grape seed extract, showed much more effective results than grape seed extract alone or placebo alone, in lowering LDL cholesterol.

High Blood Pressure

One of the main benefits of grape seed extract is that it is believed to play a beneficial role in treating high blood pressure or hypertension. The antioxidants found in grape seed extract serve to protect the blood vessels from damage, which would otherwise lead to high blood pressure. The results of various animal studies reveal that grape seed extract helps in lowering the blood pressure effectively.


The Benefits of Grape Seed Extract for Skin Is Surely Hard To Ignore

The supplements with grape seeds are used around the globe, because of its amazing benefits one may get with its key nutrients, which include:

(i) Vitamin-C

(ii) Vitamin-E

(iii) Flavonoids in the form of Resveratrol

However, the grape seed extract India is recently introduced and has gained recognition in very less time. Today, we would talk about the benefits of grape seed extract on skin, which is possible due to its antioxidant vitamins and resveratrol that helps in:

(i) Fighting the free radicals as antioxidant

(ii) Working as a great anti-ageing nutrient

Hence, grape seed extract is the best in providing with some of the most desired needs of the individuals who need their skin to be perfect and flawless like ever before.

Grape Seed Extract Supplements

Where Did Grape Seed Extract Come From?

In the process of making wine, the grape seed were thrown into dump, however, soon there came a time when the dumped seeds were found to be beneficial for the body health and since then, the extract is utilized by numerous individuals to get the full grape seed extract benefits and keep them healthy by all means.

The Amazing Skin Benefits of Grape Seed Extract

1. Protection against the harm of excess sun exposure

There is no doubt that the sun provides a number of health benefits to the body, because of the fact that, the sunrays trigger the hormone gland in the skin, which ensures the production of sufficient vitamin-D levels to promote healthy living. However, as heard, excess is a key to disaster, the same stands true for excess exposure to sun. Grape seed extract is rich in Resveratrol and Proanthocyanidins among other essential antioxidants. Such a powerful antioxidant helps in fighting the effects of the sun’s UV rays. The extract is thus successfully works as a powerful sunscreen when topically applied amidst going out in that harsh sun. Research has it that when applied topically, the extract may even reduce the risk of skin abnormalities ranging from pigmentation to skin cancer.

2. Enhances the skin’s quality, inside out

The grape seed oil or extract has a natural ability to hydrate the skin. Vitamin-E, one of the Grape seed extract nutrients, helps in nourishing the skin, while naturally hydrating the skin and making it supple. On the other hand, vitamin-C enhances the skin’s elasticity and firmness by supporting the production of collagen, a connective tissue. In addition to this, by crushing a couple of gape seeds, one may get the best body scrub, which exfoliates the skin naturally. However, be gentle while using.

3. Helps in reducing and reversing the signs of ageing

The affects of sun’s UV rays, pollutants, smoking addiction, excess alcoholism, and many other factors lead to emerging skin ageing, much before the real age to get old. Its not just sunburns that the skin has a danger of, but, acne, white heads, black heads, dryness, excess skin oil, wrinkles, fine lines and blemishes are certain issues that people suffer from on a regular basis. Grape seed extract, being an amazing antioxidant fights these damages to skin and bring back that lost youthful charm on the skin. Topical application of the extract immensely helps in recovering the free radical damages and makes the skin regain its firmness, elasticity and flexibility, which helps in reducing the signs of ageing.

4. Proves to be a great anti-acne dietary supplement

The anti-inflammatory benefits of grape seed extract helps in fighting the acne causing skin inflammation, which results in pimples, blackheads and whit heads. The inflammation is caused when the open skin pores are blocked with dirt or oil and further cause acne. The extract is rich in Linoleic acid (a type of EFA, omega-6 fatty acid), which proves to be the best anti-inflammatory and enhances the skin health from within.

Has Your Husband Been Complaining About Joint Pain Lately? It’s Time You Take Him for a Professional Check-Up!

Cracking ankles, knees and hips are not essentially the normal aches which come with routine exertion or growing age. If your husband has been complaining of any of these lately, you need to be cautions as these might be the symptoms of serious joint pain. Although, you’ll come across many natural supplements for joint pain, but what’s best for your man, will largely be determined by your family health care provider. This way, you’ll make sure that your husband gets nothing but the best joint supplements and joint vitamin supplements for his aching bones.

Most men usually shy away from stethoscopes just the way vampires recoil from crosses. They tend to neglect their health and act careless while making food choices. This in addition to their hectic work schedules, sedentary lifestyles with relentless smoking and drinking habits makes them vulnerable to developing some high complicated health issues.

Statistically, it has been proved that men on an average are the major decision makers when it comes to maintaining their family’s complete health. But, the question is – why do they slack off when it comes to their own health?

As women you know, it can only take a medical emergency to take your husband down to the doctor. However, if he’s been complaining a bit too much about a twinge in the knee, or a shooting pain in the shoulder, chances are that he’s lacking on essential vitamins for strong bones and this is something that demands your serious attention!

It Is Important You Get the Right Diagnosis Done

Arthritis is an elaborative term simply defines inflammation of the joints. However, its diagnosis is not that simple. Reason?

Over 100 different forms of arthritis have been recognized till date. This is one main reason, why a professional check-up is important for your husband to get the right diagnosis done, such that you get the right treatment with right vitamin supplements to relieve his joint pain.

There is yet another reason for you to take your husband to see a doctor – there are many different conditions which can aggravate the symptoms of joint pain. For instance, gout one of the many forms of arthritis, if left unattended can lead to osteoarthritis.

You would be surprised to know but joint pain can also be a result of a form of cancer that spreads to the joints. So, which natural supplements will work best to sooth the joint pain? This question can only be answered by your doctor.

Are You Aware Of the Common Joint Pain Related Conditions?

If you think that joint pain is a part of the normal part of aging process or is due to over-exertion or hard work out and that it’s no big deal and you’ll gradually learn to live with it – then you’re up for a bad news!

Joint pains are a serious problem and this is why doctors offer a wealth of treatment options to curb this pain. Then be it any form of exercise, alternative medications to choosing the best joint supplements and replacement surgery – there’s no dearth of effective treatment choices.

Some of the common joint pain related conditions include:

  1. Osteoarthritis

Often referred to as the degenerative joint disease, Osteoarthritis is the most common type of joint pain disease. As we grow older, cartilage that provides the cushion support and works as a shock absorber for our joints, loses its elasticity and becomes stiff. This makes it more vulnerable to damage. Osteoarthritis can occur at any joint in the body, including fingers, knee, spine, etc.

Common symptoms of Osteoarthritis include – joint ache followed by soreness and bony knots in the joints. For instant pain relief, you can opt for medications and alternative supplements as prescribed by your doctor.

  1. Rheumatoid Arthritis

Joint inflammation that occurs on both sides of the body differentiates Rheumatoid Arthritis form other types of joint pains. However, it causes similar symptoms as other types of arthritis, including joint pain, fatigue and stiffness.

Do not make the mistake of considering Rheumatoid Arthritis as any ordinary form of benign joint disease. It can be a cause of early death if left unattended and untreated.

  1. Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) and Temporal Arteritis (TA)

Most often these inflammatory diseases occur together and as such are thought to be related. It involves the larger joints of the body, including shoulders and hips. Both these conditions are generally caused when the body’s immune system reacts against itself.

Common symptoms include pain and severe stiffness in the shoulder and hip joints, weight loss, fever and fatigue. If left untreated, TA can lead to irreversible blindness, transient is-chemic attacks and strokes.

What Can You Do To Help Your Husband Get over the Joint Pain?

While there is no permanent cure for joint pain, you can still help your husband find relief from pain by following treatments from simple lifestyle changes to medications to best joint supplements to surgery.

In addition, heat or cold packs could also be tried to gain instant pain relief and see what works better for your husband. But remember, whether it is heat or ice pack, neither should be placed on the joints for more than 20 minutes, at a time.