The Resveratrol Health Benefits For Men, Which Improves The Life

Drink it through red wine or pop up a pill, resveratrol is one such supplement that stands among the essential health supplements for men. Believe me, no other anti-ageing pill offers such amazing health benefits that men desire for life. In this article, we have gathered some of the amazing benefits of utilizing resveratrol supplements and some essential strategise, which off course make men’s life more easy and smooth to live in.

Resveratol Vitamin Supplements

Why so people use resveratrol supplement?

There are a number of reasons that people prefer taking the resveratrol supplements some of which are:

  • Maintaining weight
  • Fighting cancers, for example prostate cancer
  • Helps keep the skin glowing
  • Essential for mental health, etc

Enhancing the body endurance

May individuals certainly get turned off with the thought of endurance training. However, for now, imagine a scenario where you can improve your endurance results with just a supplement. As per a study, resveratrol could deliver comparative benefits to skeletal muscles as training. The study also found that resveratrol supplements helped raise the levels of endurance, cardiac functions and oxidative metabolism. The performance with taking resveratrol over endurance training showed 21% rise. Therefore, if you utilize the supplement and carry on with the training sessions, you may incur amazing results. Be smart!

A hearty protection against cancers

Check if you family history is marked by cancer, because you may get one too. If yes, explore resveratrol health benefits by taking resveratrol supplements to slow the progression of colon cancer cells, according to various sstudies. Colon cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer related to digestive system and because of its deadly results, researches are still on to find more preventive way. On the other hand, when it comes to resveratrol, its anti-oxidant properties helps in fighting the cancer cells.

Safeguards the natural vision

Among the five senses, vision is the most important of all. Even the slightest loss or change in vision is recognized easily. Vision loss for some individuals, sadly, is a common age-related issue. Fortunately, a research observed that resveratrol helps in neutralizing this natural occurrence. This is because of the supplement’s ability to control Angiogenesis, therefore, preventing the irregular blood vessel growth, which may lead to loss of vision. Along with this, a diet rich in other eye-nutrients may benefit largely. These include:

  • Vitamin-A (Beta-carotene and Retinol)
  • Vitamin-C
  • Vitamin-E
  • Omega-3 fatty acids

Boosting the testosterone levels

Does your testosterone need support? I am sure yes. As an individual enters the age of thirties, it is by no doubt possible that the levels of testosterone decline. If this is an issue, do not forget to visit you doctor and get the blood test done. There are many testosterone substitution treatments available in the market that could be successful. A study conducted tells that resveratrol with its ability to be the best anti-ageing supplements for men, improved the testosterone levels by more than 50%, when supplemented for about 28 days.

Maintains mental sharpness

To maintain mental well being, one of the best ways is to improve the flow of blood in the brain. Recently, an investigation on 22 healthy adult men determined that with resveratrol utilization, the neurological blood flow improved. Later, it was found that the resveratrol supplements also improved the cognitive functioning and enhanced the overall mental performance. Yet, with all these benefits, more research is essential to determine the extent to which the supplement works.

However, the better thing is that being a consistent wine consumer, you have just another reason to explain the benefits to your wife!

Which Vitamins are crucial as you grow from a Mother to a Grandmother?

As a woman you experience several changes with passing years both physically and mentally. Consequently, you have to be extra cautious about your nutritional demands particularly vitamins and minerals. Proper balanced diet and exercise are two of the key health keepers. But how long can you honestly stick to a well balanced diet? A family wedding or a holiday with friends is enough to challenge your health resolutions. So, how can you keep your nutrient intake in check? The answer is- Vitamin supplements. A vitamin supplement is intended to provide vitamins that may not be consumed in enough quantities through diet alone. Although most health experts advocate for whole food as the best source for nutrients, multivitamin supplements become essential in situations where diet alone is unable to fend for the nutritional demand.

There are some essential vitamin supplements for women that can help to plug the nutritional void. Following are some vitamins that women should consume:

Vitamin A:

Vitamin A helps to maintain supple skin and healthy eyes. It is also needed for reproduction and breast-feeding. Green vegetables, fish and whole milk are some good sources of this vitamin. Daily requirement: 2300 IUs.

Vitamin B:

All the B vitamins help to maintain a healthy metabolism and sharp mind. Vitamin B6 is found to ease the symptoms of pre menstrual syndrome or PMS. But the most important vitamin for women among all the B vitamins is folic acid or Vitamin B9. Folic acid helps to keep red blood cells well and also ensure healthy babies in pregnant women. Falling short of this vitamin during pregnancy can lead to increased risk of major birth defects of brain and spine of the baby. Folic acid demand can be met by consuming ample of whole grains, beans, lentils, pea etc. But if you are pregnant your daily demand increases to 600 micrograms. Hence, you may need to take Folic acid supplements if doctor recommends. Daily requirement: 400 micrograms.

Vitamin C:

Go citrus crazy because this vitamin has many health benefits apart from acting as a stress buster. Vitamin C has antioxidant properties which help to boost the immune system, prevent heart diseases and eye problems. Vitamin C also aids in the production of collagen which is a major structural protein and keeps wrinkles off your skin. Daily requirement: 75 milligrams.

Vitamin D:

This ‘sunshine vitamin’ is extremely important for healthy teeth and bones. It is synthesized in the body on exposure to sunlight. So, if you often shun the sun, think again! Vitamin D helps in absorption of calcium and phosphorus from your diet. Studies have revealed that this vitamin even helps to prevent breast and ovarian cancer. Elderly people above 60 years are at higher risk of osteoporosis as they are unable to produce sufficient amount of Vitamin D. This may be either due to insufficient exposure to sunlight or lesser receptors in the skin for tapping the sunrays. Daily requirement: 1000-2000 IUs.

Apart from these vitamins, women also need to take care of the following minerals primarily:


Elderly women are prone to post menopausal osteoporosis due to a slump in estrogen levels. That means you need to take extra care of your bone health. Calcium aids in bone mineralization and is one mineral that is recommended to be taken as a supplement after menopause. So, fill up your milk glasses and yogurt cups to get stronger and healthier bones. Some plant products such as flaxseeds, legumes and nuts are also found to contain estrogen like compounds called phyto estrogens that help to maintain optimal health in women. Daily calcium requirement: 1000 micrograms.


Heavy menstruation? Don’t ignore your iron demand. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia and weakened immune system. So, keep munching iron rich food such as banana, apples, spinach, red meat to maintain good levels of iron in your body. Doctors can recommend iron supplements if you are tested consistently low in hemoglobin levels. Daily Requirements: 18 micrograms.

Nutrition during Breast feeding:

Only a healthy mother can pass on good health to her child through breast feeding. Therefore, at this stage of motherhood, a woman needs to take care of her personal nutritional need as well as that required to produce the breast milk. The best way is to consume a nutritious diet enriched with the goodness of fresh fruits, vegetables, milk and its products, fish, eggs etc. Also there are certain drugs that can adversely affect or enter in the milk supply and consequently harm your baby. Thus, it is best to consult your doctor on this. He may also recommend certain dietary supplements if required.

A healthy mother fosters a healthy family. So, take care of your diet and age gracefully and healthily.

Be Smart With the Use of Vitamins and Supplements

Every other day we get to hear how a certain herbal or vitamin supplement will help treat a chronic disease or improve the quality of our lives drastically. However, information about such supplements is either vague or is often confusing. This makes it hard to know which dietary supplement is offering genuine health benefits and which amongst them is giving false promises, or worse still, running the risk of actually damaging your health. So, how can you be smart with the use of vitamins and supplements?

By learning all that you can about vitamins and supplements, you can actually make better choices of what’s best for you!

Do you know what dietary supplements actually are?

Dietary supplements can be defined as the products which:

  • Supplement the food you eat

  • Has one or more dietary ingredients as its key constituents

  • Is available in the form of a soft-gel, tablet, capsule or liquid form

  • Has a label stating that it’s a dietary supplement

The market today offers various kinds of nutritional synthetic or natural vitamins and supplements. But, you need to remember that the best vitamins and supplements are the ones that offer micro-nutrients that help your body function smoothly and effectively.

Mineral and Vitamin Supplements: Do They Work?

Minerals and vitamins are the micro-nutrients which benefit the body in a unique way. Vitamin A, for instance, helps support normal vision along with stronger bone growth and Vitamin E, on the other hand, helps repair DNA and also maintains immune strength. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals can impair a body’s ability to heal and to protect itself naturally.

It should also be noted that taking vitamin and mineral supplements cannot make up for an unhealthy diet, as these are insufficient substitutes for fresh fruits, whole grains and vegetables. But, a general multivitamin or mineral supplement can function as an efficient protective shield against periodic nutritional shortfalls from our diet. Every other day we get to hear how a certain herbal or vitamin supplement will help treat a chronic disease or improve the quality of our lives drastically. However, information about such supplements is either vague or is often confusing. This makes it hard to know which dietary supplement is offering genuine health benefits and which amongst them is giving false promises, or worse still, running the risk of actually damaging your health. So, how can you be smart with the use of vitamins and supplements?

By learning all that you can about vitamins and supplements, you can actually make better choices of what’s best for you!

Do you know what dietary supplements actually are?

Dietary supplements can be defined as the products which:

  • Supplement the food you eat

  • Has one or more dietary ingredients as its key constituents

  • Is available in the form of a soft-gel, tablet, capsule or liquid form

  • Has a label stating that it’s a dietary supplement

The market today offers various kinds of nutritional synthetic or natural vitamins and supplements. But, you need to remember that the best vitamins and supplements are the ones that offer micro-nutrients that help your body function smoothly and effectively.

Mineral and Vitamin Supplements: Do They Work?

Minerals and vitamins are the micro-nutrients which benefit the body in a unique way. Vitamin A, for instance, helps support normal vision along with stronger bone growth and Vitamin E, on the other hand, helps repair DNA and also maintains immune strength. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals can impair a body’s ability to heal and to protect itself naturally.

It should also be noted that taking vitamin and mineral supplements cannot make up for an unhealthy diet, as these are insufficient substitutes for fresh fruits, whole grains and vegetables. But, a general multivitamin or mineral supplement can function as an efficient protective shield against periodic nutritional shortfalls from our diet. Every other day we get to hear how a certain herbal or vitamin supplement will help treat a chronic disease or improve the quality of our lives drastically. However, information about such supplements is either vague or is often confusing. This makes it hard to know which dietary supplement is offering genuine health benefits and which amongst them is giving false promises, or worse still, running the risk of actually damaging your health. So, how can you be smart with the use of vitamins and supplements?

Who All Can Benefit From Vitamins and Supplements?

Everyone, ranging from children to adults to elders – can benefit from taking one multivitamin each day. This helps provide a consistent source of essential vitamins and micro-nutrients the body needs to be healthy. However, your first consideration should be to eat a well-balanced and healthy diet, as even the best supplement is no substitute for a good nutrition.

Mentioned below are the specific groups of people, based on distinct nutritional needs, who can benefit most from taking vitamins and supplements:

  • Pregnant or lactating women

  • Children with irregular eating habits

  • Aging adults

  • Vegans as they may easily fall short of certain essential nutrients

  • People with certain medical conditions or the ones with eating disorders

Tips To Ensure Smart Supplementation

The actual meaning of ‘supplement’ is adding something extra. This means, by taking any supplement you’re adding nutrients to your basic healthy diet. Following a regular supplement or vitamin regimen will not necessarily help cure your prevailing ailment. Also, it is important to remember that not all supplements are going to be beneficial, especially when consumed in toxic doses or when combined with other medications.

So, before you start supplementation, make sure you ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why do I need this supplement?

  • Is this specific supplement safe?

  • Does this supplement interact with other medications?

  • Do I have enough information about this supplement?

Top Safety Concerns You Should Consider While Taking Health Vitamins and Supplements

Certain dietary supplements have the tendency to interact with other medications, such as prescription drugs or over-the-counter medicines. This is one main reason why you should consult your health care provider before taking any supplement. Other safety concerns with supplementation include:

  1. Certain dietary supplements can cause undesirable effects during surgery

Most supplement brands would advise you to discontinue the use of the supplements at least two weeks before or after the surgery. This is done to avoid the potentially dangerous drug/supplement interactions, which may otherwise result into changes in blood pressure, heart rate and may also cause excessive bleeding. So, consult your doctor about every vitamin and herbal supplement and also any other medication you are taking well in advance before surgery.

  1. The more the better – Not always true

Even if a particular supplement is providing extreme benefits to your body, excessive doses of the same may still result into undesirable health problems. Having green tea, for instance, may deliver powerful anti-oxidant and fat-burning benefits, but higher doses of green tea supplements may cause toxic effects on the liver.

How to Buy Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Supplements

One of the safest ways to buy quality and reliable vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements is to carry thorough research at your end and to purchase supplements only from a reputable vitamin store or from a health practitioner. Mentioned below are the tips on how you can research for quality nutritional supplements:

  1. Safety and efficacy: Before you begin supplementation, make sure the product you choose is safe and effective. Go through the internet and look for the fact sheets on dietary supplements along with their safety aspects.

  2. Dosage: Learn about the efficacy of the supplement you intend to take. Learn about the efficiency of the respective supplement on various health conditions, along with its safety concerns and recommended dosages for children and adults.

  3. Quality: Always prefer taking standardized products and remember not all discount vitamins and supplements come with proper standardization.