What You Always Wanted to Know About Whey Protein Powder

If you are on a weight loss program or body-building to achieve a healthy and toned body, use whey protein as it can really help you reach your goals. The whey protein is derived from the cow’s milk while making cheese. This naturally produced supplement has a very rich count in protein and contains important amino acids your body needs. The incorporation of whey protein in your diet or exercise routine will help strengthen the muscles and give you more energy.

If you are a fitness freak then you surely must have heard about whey protein powder and creatine, the two known widely used dietary supplements among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. The main reason behind the popularity is their potential to promote muscle strength and muscle hypertrophy through increased protein synthesis. The key to whey protein efficiency is the high concentration of essential amino acids and branched chain amino acids necessary for anabolism and regeneration of muscle tissue.

The questions that many consumers are worried about are how much supplement to take, how often it should be used, and what products are the most appropriate for the health, whether there are any side effects, and if there is a right time to ingest the supplement and achieve greater and more efficient outcome.

First things first, what is whey protein?

Whey is a yellowish- green liquid obtained in the process of making cheese. Therefore, it is not an ‘artificial’ or ‘rare’ product, and consumed for thousands of years, though of course the substance in powder we buy in cans has undergone a transformation process. Today, we know that this serum has high quality protein (beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin and serum albumin). In fact, it possesses the highest biological value of any known protein, or putting it in another way, whey protein is absorbed by the body with ease, making it a good ally after training.

Choose the amount and type of whey protein you need to have. The whey protein is available in most supplements and vitamins stores, dietary or specialty stores. The whey protein is available in packs ranging from 3 pounds (1 kg) to 10 pounds (4.5 Kg) and can cost $25 to $50 per package. The flavors in whey protein include chocolate, vanilla and fruit. For those who are looking to avoid artificial sweeteners or additives can buy a 100% natural product.

Best time to have whey proteins

There is no fix time to have whey proteins but a protein shake immediately after a workout will give you better results. Drinking whey protein after exercise gives your muscles cells the nutrition they need for repair. Taking whey protein will help you build muscle without losing nutrients repair process. If you involve yourself in weight lifting or strenuous exercises then you should drink whey protein shake before bed. While you sleep, your body heals and repairs itself and gives your body the nutrition it needs. Taking a little whey protein before bed also keeps you from waking up too hungry in the morning, when the first thing in the morning you have to do is exercise.

Types of whey proteins

  • Concentrated protein: In the first processing, it is obtained from concentrate protein serum. This contains certain amounts of fat and lactose, and consequently lower percentage of protein (typically 60-80%).

  • Isolated protein: It is processed by eliminating the fat (and virtually all lactose) to get isolate protein, much purer (90-95% protein), more expensive, and do not forget, much more processed.

  • Hydrolyzed protein: In recent years, hydrolyzed proteins have become popular in which the long chains of proteins break, facilitating further digestion. Despite its popularity among elite bodybuilders, my opinion is that whey protein already provides very rapid absorption, so why pay more for hydrolyzed protein? In fact, I think that in many cases the greater insulin response to this type of protein can even be counterproductive.

Whey protein benefits

Studies show that whey protein powder is not only used to gain muscle, lose fat and improve athletic performance, but is also have anticancer properties, helps in lowering triglycerides, improves the immune system, reduces stress / cortical , improves serotonin levels in the brain, and lowers down the blood pressure. Before, you go running to buy all the protein you find, remember that some of the studies are funded by the manufacturers themselves, so you should apply your own polygraph. But, even with a strict filter of skepticism, science appears to support its benefits, no doubt in that.

Whey protein drawbacks

Some critics argue that whey protein causes rapid absorption of energy and less on protein synthesis. Others believe that taking whey protein is just an expensive way to drink milk, nothing more. And, while it is true that milk alone has been successful in several studies when improving protein synthesis, people think that there is no special need of whey proteins in the diet.

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