Copper Supplements and Allied Health Benefits

The amount of copper that we have in our body is around 50 and 120 mg-point that could even fit on the head of a pin. And, if we add the fact that this is an effective antidote to combat anaemia, especially severe in children, then we definitely follow this quest to boost its absorption and enjoy its benefits to the fullest. Copper is available in a wide variety of fresh or lightly processed foods, but mostly in animal foods such as meat, poultry and fish, especially, in organ meats such as liver (beef and chicken) and also in plant foods such as legumes (lentils, chickpeas, etc.), peanuts and chocolate. It is also present in small amounts in egg yolk and dried fruits such as plum and peach.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the daily copper intake for a normal adult (weighing 50 to 70 kg) should be 1.0 to 1.4 mg. The body cannot produce copper on its own, so that one must get it from foods or dietary supplements. The possible role of copper in the treatment of diseases is based on the fact that many enzymes cannot do proper functioning without the mineral. However, there is very little evidence that taking extra copper can actually treat any disease or not.

Role of copper

Certainly, copper is a multifaceted mineral that prevents anemia, being necessary for the processing of iron, it is also useful to thwart bone disease. It stops cell damage and promote proper fetal development. Copper consumption in humans is necessary for the proper functioning of some enzymes involved in processes such as growth of children, transportation of iron in the blood flow, strengthening bones, glucose and cholesterol metabolism; It is micro-constituent very beneficial for elastic hair and skin tissue. Copper supplements health benefits – helps in brain development and function of the heart, liver, nervous and immune systems.

Although, as we already said that the small amount of copper stored in the human body (50-120 milligrams) does not prevent this mineral powerful to perform impressive feats to promote optimal health. Although copper is in the furthest corners of the body, it tends to concentrate in the organs with high metabolic activity, including liver, brain, kidneys and heart. However, copper supplements, can also cause side effects and interact with medications, so you should consume under the supervision of a physician.

Requirements / Sources

There is a saying “Not all five fingers are equal”; similarly when it comes to the question of a person’s nutritional intake, you can come back with this, every time. Following are the official US recommendations for daily intake of copper, and you can clearly see the difference:

  • Infants

    • 0-6 months 200 mg

    • 7-12 months 220 mcg

  • Children

    • 1-3 years 340 mcg

    • 4-8 years 440 mcg

  • Men and women

    • 9-13 years 700 mcg

    • 14-18 years 890 mcg

    • 19 years and older, 900 mcg

  • Pregnant Women 1,000 mcg

  • Nursing women, 1,300 mcg

It should be noted that high intake of zinc reduces copper stores in the body; for this reason, if you are taking zinc supplements in doses above nutritional levels (for example, in the treatment of macular degeneration), you will definitely need extra copper. In short, if you are taking iron or large doses of vitamin C, you will need extra copper. Ideally, take copper supplements in such a way that you can maintain a gap of 2 hours with these the doses of iron and vitamin C. It is advised so, because it may cause interference with the absorption of these above mentioned nutrients.

Oysters, nuts, legumes, whole grains, sweet potatoes, and dark greens are good sources of copper. Drinking water that passes through copper plumbing is a good source of this mineral, and sometimes only this source is enough to fulfil the recommended amount of copper intake.


For the various therapeutic uses described in the next section, copper is often recommended at a high (but still safe) dose of 1 to 3 mg (1,000 to 3,000 mcg) daily.

Therapeutic Uses

Copper has been proposed as a mineral for the treatment osteoporosis, based primarily on the studies that have found the benefit using combinations of various trace minerals including copper. However, one study found that copper supplements taken alone may not be useful for the treatment.

Researchers have stated in their published journals that the copper deficiencies increase the risk of increased cholesterol and heart disease, but have failed to supply any real evidence that this idea is true. A small, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of copper supplements to reduce risk factors for heart disease such as cholesterol profile found no benefit. For a long time, copper has been mentioned as a possible treatment for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, but as yet no real evidence that it works.

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