Multivitamins for Multitasking Women

Are you a woman who juggles with plenty of tasks all day? Amid your chores that keep you on your toes from the minute you step down your bed till the time you cuddle back, there is something which is crying out for your attention-your health! Your nutritional needs change with every stage of life and you can’t be sticking to the same old schedule and diet always. Hence, as you age, vitamins become even more essential for you and their deficiency can lead to serious health problems. Dietary supplements particularly, multivitamins for women, can help you boost up your health and improve your quality of life.

Vitamins are essential compounds that may be required in small quantities but play a crucial role in our body processes. Your body cannot produce vitamins, except Vitamin D, so they have to be incorporated through food. And because no single food contains all the vitamins, a well balanced diet is what you need. So, if you are one of those 10% ladies who can dodge her favorite chocolate pudding for her diet salad, you can afford to skip vitamin supplements. However for the larger chunk of women, multivitamin supplements are important, particularly those who avoid ample of fruits and vegetables. Let’s explore some of the important multivitamins for women’s health.

Be healthy with B vitamins:

Although all the B vitamins are necessary for woman’s health, three vitamins namely, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 is even more important. These are helpful in enhancing cognitive function and building DNA. Multivitamins with Folic acid for pregnant women have been found to lower the risk of neural tube defects and also promote the birth of healthy weight babies.

Vitamin B6 which is important for healthy metabolism can be picked up through potatoes, fish, banana, chickpeas, beans, cereals, meats and poultry. 

Vegetarians are at risk of deficiency of Vitamin B12 and can be benefited from a daily vitamin B12 supplement and adding sources of Vitamin B12 in their diet such as eggs, milk, yoghurt and fortified foods.

Antioxidant Vitamins:

Some vitamins are free radical scavengers or antioxidants. They include Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Vitamin E. These vitamins help to prevent cell damage by knocking down the free radicals which are the main culprits of DNA defects.

Beta-carotene is found in colored fruits and vegetables such as carrots, papaya, peach, apricots, broccoli, tomatoes etc. and is converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A helps to strengthen bones, skin, soft tissues and cell membranes.

Vitamin C helps in formation of red blood cells and accelerates wound healing. It enhances alertness and concentration. Apart from citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, pepper, potato can provide you with ample of Vitamin C

Vitamin E plays a key role in maintenance of cell membranes. Studies have also found Vitamin E to slow down the degenerative changes. Vitamin E is contained in whole grains, sunflower oil, peanut butter and nuts.

For women antioxidant multivitamin supplement is a good source of essential antioxidants if their diet is low in fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin D for women:

Vitamin D helps to the body to absorb bone strengthening minerals, calcium and phosphorus, into the bloodstream. Insufficient supply of Vitamin D diminishes the reserves for calcium and phosphorus thus thinning your bones. Your body can prepare its own Vitamin D on exposure to sunlight. So, that means you don’t have to worry much about your diet for this vitamin. All you need to do is stop shunning the sun. However, older adults or people with darker skin face trouble in trapping enough sunlight and can make up for it with and people who vitamin D-fortified foods or supplements. For postmenopausal women, multivitamin supplements enriched with calcium and vitamin D become even more necessary as they become more prone to osteoporosis after menopause.

How to choose the right multivitamin?

So, the bottom line is that Multivitamin supplements benefit women and help them make up for the missed out vitamins. The next big task is to choose a multivitamin suitable for you.

Steps for selecting for multivitamin:

  • Firstly, assess your diet and find out if you eat balanced meals that include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Underline the nutrients you are missing out on and them choose the multivitamin accordingly.

  • Pay attention for any particular nutritional need you may have. For example, women beyond 55 years are at risk for osteoporosis and thus require higher levels of calcium and vitamin D.

  • Don’t pop vitamin pills anytime like sugar candies! Consult your doctor about the time of taking the multivitamin, as some are better with food and others with an empty stomach.

So complete your nutrient jigsaw with the best multivitamin supplements for women and add more vigor to your life.

Meet the Vital Need of Vitamin B12: A Bit Trickier Concept

For all we know, the micro-organisms, mainly bacteria, are the only organisms capable of producing B12 vitamin. It is estimated that in our digestive canal contains between 400 and 500 different types of bacteria, capable of producing vitamin B 12. It is known that gut bacteria can produce varying amounts of (useful) biologically active version of vitamin B12. However, bacteria producing B 12 are located in the final section of the intestine, preventing the body to absorb an adequate amount of vitamins.

Animals that are recommended to provide us with vitamin B12 produce vitamin B12 in their digestive systems with the help of bacteria, and in case of plants that have not been sterilized the bacteria that produce vitamin B12 get washed away. The animals crammed in meat factories (cows, calves, pigs, chickens, turkeys, ducks, goats, sheep, fish farms, etc.) daily undergo through a holocaust (abuse, stress, toxic diet, lack of physical activity, lack fresh air and sunlight) that makes them sick mainly by the weakening of their immune system.

To solve this, instead of correcting the cause (the Holocaust), animals are routinely treated with drugs to kill microorganisms that can cause disease. Thus, these animals have a “healthy” bacterial population to produce their B12 vitamin. Its population was virtually wiped out, and when it has not been, causes genetic mutations creating new pathogenic bacterial species, which not only affect the animals but humans who consume them. In short, these animals have low levels of vitamin B12 because the bacterial population has been depleted by medications.

Non-vegetarianism is not an option for vitamin B12 deficiency

Let’s take a general case where the end user consumes meat to fulfill his/her need of vitamin B12. The animal he/she consumed was not properly fed and given medications as well. The point here is about getting natural vitamin B12 and I’m sure he/she is not getting it. The worst part is yet to come when the victim has to take synthetic vitamin B12 supplements to carry out the nutritional need. You might be thinking that how is it the worst part when the person is anyway getting the nutrients? The meat he/she had have the same drugs with which it was treated and those drugs are usually stored in the fatty tissues of the animal (animal factory are more tender because there have developed musculature, and therefore have a higher percentage of fat), and that can cause some serious damage to the body.

Our daily requirement for vitamin B12 is 2.4 micrograms. A person with a normal level of vitamin B12 (above 150 pg / ml measured in blood may have a store of vitamin B12 in the liver of 2 to 5 milligrams. Assuming that the person ceases to attain new vitamin B12 (from diet, environment or bacteria), very improbable, the body still has the reserves for about three years, and if his/her diet is rich in B12 vitamin then the body can maintain the equilibrium for more than 20 years without any shortcomings.

Vitamin B12 Supplements

Vegetarians, especially vegans who cannot avail vitamin B12 from animal source are advised to consume foods fortified with vitamin B 12 or regularly take supplements of B 12 to maintain adequate levels. Cyanocobalamin is just the way it appears in vitamin-tablets, while hydroxocobalamin is used in injections of B12. The tablets and capsules are available in pharmacies and health food stores. Often these pills contain animal products, such as gelatin, but if it’s a product free of animal products that are displayed on the packaging.

These are the daily amounts of vitamin B12 recommended for vegans:

  • 1.5 to 2.5 mg twice a day, food enriched with B12

  • 10-100 mg once a day as a supplement

Higher doses of 1,000 mg are not significant, since the body does not absorb. All you can do is to divide the 1.000 mg pill into 4 parts to efficiently maintain the nutritional level of your body. Always use supplements that solely contain B12 as they are the most effective. Additionally, you can consume enriched in vitamin B12 products, such as some soy foods and breakfast cereals (check package before use).

In the product package the percentage of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) provides a dose or indicated portion of vitamins and minerals used. It is within the safe limits if the daily dose of extra vitamins and mineral supplements or fortified foods contains at most the following amounts:

  • Not more than twice the RDA of vitamin A and vitamin B3;

  • No more than 3 times the RDA vitamin of B11 (folic acid);

  • Not more than 5 times the RDA of other vitamins (including vitamin B13);

It is not recommended to take more vitamins than those indicated in RDA, especially if you have ever had cancer. If you are using tablets with higher dose, you should consult your physician first.

Live Healthy with a Healthier Liver Supplements

If you are not a biology enthusiast, this is how you will interpret the functions of some important organs-Heart pumps blood to all body parts. Brain helps us to think and carry out all the work. Stomach digests food. But do you know what your liver does? Your multi tasking liver is involved in various functions such as glycogen storage, hormone production, decomposition of red blood cells and detoxification. As far as detoxification is concerned, liver has an extremely important job. It filters the blood to remove toxins, neutralizes the toxins by breaking them down and finally modifies them into a non toxic form to facilitate their excretion. So much for an organ weighing just about 1.5 kilograms! Want to extend a helping hand in this process? Improve the intake of the following through food or liver supplements:

  • B-Vitamins i.e. Vitamin B2, B3, B6, B12, folic acid

  • Foods rich in vitamins A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E found in fruits and nuts.

  • Flavonoids loaded in fruits and vegetables.

  • Phospholipids in eggs, fish, soyabeans, meat.

  • Glutathione, found in avocado, watermelon, asparagus, walnuts, fresh fruits and veggies.

  • Fish oil rich in omega 3 fatty acids or omega 3 supplements for healthy liver.

How can you protect Your Liver?
Eat the right kind of food:
It has been rightly said that food is like a bank account and good food choices are good investments! A good diet is the simplest way to good health. However these days overuse of pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals has ripped off the natural goodness of food. Hence, opt for organic food that is foods which are free from synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, growth hormones antibiotics and other drugs. These compounds add to the toxic load of your body and thus strain the liver.

Sulfur-rich foods like garlic, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage etc. and liver supplements for detoxification can help your liver to clean up the environmental toxins. Also, fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and help to eliminate some of the toxins via digestive tract, thus reducing the workload on liver. You can always reach out for your spice box for health remedies! Turmeric, saffron, cinnamons are known to support healthy liver function.

Reduce the consumption of Trans fats, hydrogenated fats and saturated fats in your diet. These are found in processed foods, deep fried foods, dairy products and red meats. Excessive consumption of fats can lead to unwanted fat buildup eventually causing a serious disorder called fatty liver disease.

Try to shun alcohol or drink it in moderation:

No matter what, the health hazards of alcohol will always weigh more than the purported benefits its lovers claim. Alcohol destroys liver cells and lead to liver damage causing cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis. So if you are an alcoholic, try to reduce your intake for the sake for your health.

Consider dietary Supplements for liver

Some health supplements for stronger liver is milk thistle, grape seeds or ALA.

Milk thistle is a flowering herb which is not only considered beneficial for liver as well as for health and in diabetes. Seed extract of health thistle helps to promote liver health by fighting oxidation and regenerating liver cells. Research suggests milk thistle has antioxidant properties several folds more than that of vitamins C and Vitamin E. So, go ahead with the milk thistle supplements for a better liver health.

Detox supplements for liver: These supplements are blends of nutrients and herbs which promote liver health and also take care of free radical damage to liver cells. These may contain Curcumin, Milk Thistle, Grape Seed Extract, Green Tea etc.

Alpha Lipoic Acid: Alpha Lipoic Acid or ALA is a powerful antioxidant supplement for liver cell regeneration. Studies have also revealed that ALA is vital for preventing necrosis of liver cells.

Work Out!

Your body loves to exercise. You can keep your body weight under check by burning away the extra fats. Thus exercise helps to prevent fatty liver disease. So why not indulge in your favourite work out and keep your liver hale and hearty.

Keep your medication and supplements in check:

Overdose of drugs such as paracetamol, can lead to liver damage. So consult your doctor before taking any drug and always follow the prescribed dose. Also, certain traditional remedies can contain heavy metals which can result in liver damage. High dose of dietary supplements can be liver toxic and must be avoided.

Apart from these tips, you must protect your liver from viral diseases as well by getting yourself vaccinated.

Will you think twice before shelling out money for a low cost automatic machine which will keep your house absolutely spic and span that too without your efforts. Certainly not! So, why not follow the same approach for liver as well which does the same work, but in your body! This clean up center doesn’t need your bucks but just a healthier lifestyle. So eat well, exercise and live longer with a healthier liver.

It Works! The Truth behind Supplements for Healthy Skin

You’re walking down the drugstore vitamin aisle, gazing at the vast and confounding array of supplements for healthy skin, each one of them touting miracles for a flawless skin that glows. Bewildered, you stand there and imagine: where do these actually come from and do these really work? – Sounds familiar?

Supplements for healthy skin have long existed in specialty stores, but in the past few years, they’ve expanded their reach to local grocery and drug stores too. And why not – after all the claims and promises made by all these supplements are sufficient to grab anyone’s attention. Moreover, these come with a futuristic appeal, where all you have to do is to swallow a pill to turn back the clock, not only by pumping out fine lines within a matter of few days, but the supplements for healthy skin will also make your body rebuild its own collagen from within!

Supplements for Healthy Skin: Fad or Fact?

So, with its increasing popularity, one question that bothers each mind is – are supplements for healthy skin just a revived version of hope in jar or do they actually work?

Recent clinical research reveals that there is actually something real to those claims. According to the findings, people who consumed quality supplements for healthy skin on a regular basis measured around 20% reduction in growing signs of aging as compared to ones who did not. It seems that, however improbably, quality supplements formulated for healthy skin could actually make your skin reform into a younger version of itself.

Supplements for Managing Acne Prone Skin

You’ll come across a lot many remedies to treat acne. Problems related to acne is one of the most discussed topics, as frequent breakouts is a common problem for so many people and they can have a big impact on one’s sense of beauty and even on self-esteem. Literally, there’s no one who wishes to experience the unsightly bumps, scarring, redness and pain associated with acne.

For some people, no over-the-counter or prescription drugs seem to work – so the promise of permanently getting rid of acne by taking a single supplement every day becomes extremely tempting. So, here’s a breakdown of internal acne fighters and researched based information on how much they work against the claims made:

  1. Zinc

An essential trace element, zinc is only needed in small amounts for human health. According to various studies, zinc supplements have shown to deliver anti-acne skin benefits. These studies also claim that zinc should be taken orally for maximizing its health benefits. There have even been reports of people becoming severely ill due to taking excessive amounts of zinc in the hopes of treating their acne. So, in case you are considering using zinc supplements to heal acne, make sure you consult your health care provider first.

  1. Vitamin B3

Niacinamide and niacin are the two forms of Vitamin B3. It is found in a variety of food products including green vegetables, milk, fish, eggs, etc. Niacinamide works as a potent cell-communicating ingredient that delivers many anti-aging benefits and there are also growing evidences that it even helps mitigating acne marks.

  1. Vitamin A

A powerful antioxidant, Vitamin A comes in many forms including retinyl palmitate and retinol. It is considered as one of the best supplements for healthy skin and the best cure for acne breakouts. But it should be remembered that Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin, which builds up in the body and therefore when taken in excessive amounts can cause serious health implications, such as headaches, vertigo and blurred vision. In worst cases, it may even cause loss of muscle coordination.

Anti-Aging Vitamins

It’s no unknown fact that vitamins and minerals are essential for us to be healthy. Therefore, we should prefer eating antioxidant rich diet. Vitamins are a popular category of ingredients in skin care products which claim to provide anti-aging benefits.

The supplement industry too is aware of the many skin care benefits of vitamins and has not wasted any time in stocking shelves with vitamin supplements that promise to reduce dark spots, rejuvenate skin, and diminish fine lines and wrinkles, without the need of undergoing surgery.

  1. Vitamin C and E

Potent antioxidants, Vitamin C and E can help fight signs of aging, specifically sun damage. Mega doses of both Vitamin C and E helps in reducing the effects of free radical damage that is one of the major factors of pre-mature aging.

  1. Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is repeatedly touted as miracle worker that helps prevent premature skin aging. It is a vitamin like substance, which can be found all through the body, especially in liver, heart, pancreas and kidney. It functions to provide energy to cells and has been shown to deliver anti-oxidant benefits, but different body substances must work in harmony to make use of all these benefits.

What Works For your Skin

The answer is pretty simple – a well-balanced and healthy diet along with the right approach to taking vitamin and supplements for healthy skin, irrespective of your health concerns is the best thing for you. It is important you realize that eating unhealthy foods would not help your body to maintain itself.

You cannot continue eating processed foods and expect your body to stay healthy by adding supplements. You might want to experiment with supplements but don’t forget that they are not a cure and can be dangerous when taken in excess amounts.

When it comes to managing acne and fighting the signs of aging, its worth you compile a great skin care regime and pamper your skin with quality supplements for healthy skin to make it look at its best.

Is There A Possible Way To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally?

Tired of looking for ways to lower blood pressure naturally? The following article discusses some of the most essential nutrients you may want to add to your diet to help gain control over your blood pressure levels.

High blood pressure is a highly pervasive and devastating ailment that is increasing becoming a major health concern amongst the aging population. If you are an adult, your chances of suffering from high blood pressure problems is 1 in 3 and if you are over 60 this number increases to 1 in 2.

It would be no surprise if you don’t even know you’re already suffering from it. According to a survey, about 30% individuals remain unaware about the fact that they’re suffering from hypertension. Often known as “Silent Killer” high blood pressure increases the risk of heart failures, kidney failures, strokes and aneurysms.

High Blood Pressure: What Your Doctors Won’t Tell You

Following the conventional methods of high blood pressure treatments, your doctors would probably ask you to lose weight, reduce your salt intake and follow a healthy diet program to correct your hypertension.

But, what your health care provider won’t tell you is – while high blood pressure problems tend to rise with the advancing age, it is however not an inherent part of the aging process. In fact, you would be surprised to learn that you do not always need drugs to cure your high blood pressure problems.

Nutritional Approaches for Controlling Blood Pressure

What you eat plays a great role in determining your blood pressure levels. Traditionally, the inclusion of lavish plant-sourced foods and abundance of physical tasks, integrated with exclusion of processed foods, conferred extra-ordinary health benefits and life term protection from hyper-tension. This particular diet is however far from today’s low-fat notions that are largely responsible for obesity and diabetes crisis.

It should be noted that restricting your fat intake may actually cause more harm than good. Rather, it is more important to focus on the type of fats you are including in your diet. For example, you should work towards replacing hydrogenated and saturated fats with omega-3 and unsaturated fats to lower your risk of developing various types of heart diseases.

Surprising Supplements for Ideal Blood Pressure Management

Besides adopting a healthy diet while minimizing your exposure to processed foods which increase blood pressure, it is essential you focus on food that help reduce blood pressure. You can also benefit from a number of good nutritional supplements which have been demonstrated to deliver extremely beneficial and effective results. Most important of these nutrients include:

  1. Vitamin D

Controlling high blood pressure is one of the many extraordinary health benefits of this “Sunshine Vitamin”.

Often the people who are Vitamin D deficient stand at a greater risk of developing high blood pressure problems. However, regular intake of high quality Vitamin D nutritional supplements has been reported to reduce high blood pressure symptoms in people with hypertension.

Vitamin D works by suppressing the expression of renin, the blood pressure hormone, resulting into controlled blood pressure levels.

  1. Coenzyme Q10

One of the highly valued antioxidant, Coenzyme Q10 is known for its ability of controlling high blood pressure and promoting overall health and well-being.

According to a recent research, minimization of abnormal heart muscle thickening, also known as hypertrophy, is essential for reducing the development of heart diseases. It has been found that Coenzyme Q10 helps in reducing abnormal hypertrophy resulting due to high blood pressure problems. This can be accomplished with no side effects, only if you consume reliable and effective Coenzyme Q10 nutritional supplements.

  1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

In addition to reducing the triglyceride- and cardiovascular effects, omega-3 fatty acids can be used to reduce blood pressure levels. Regular intake of omega-3 fatty acids – EPA and DHA, helps reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressures.

Omega-3 works by blocking angiotensin system, while promoting arterial relaxation, followed by reduced production of artery constricting factors and reduced production of inflammatory mediators.

  1. Resveratrol

Consuming red wine in modest quantities has been reported to reduce the risk of various cardiovascular diseases to a great extent. This is why much attention has been focused on the health benefits of Resveratrol, as it originates from red wine and grapes.

Resveratrol has been shown to modestly reduce high blood pressure, while it also helps to restore the production of nitric oxide, the natural artery dilating agent.

Is 20s the Right Age to Think About Skin Aging?

If you feel being in 20s is too early for you to think about skin aging? Think again! When you’ll be 36 and mistaken for being 26, you’ll look back at this moment and thank yourself for reading this.

The look and feel of your skin changes as you progress through different stages of life. This is why skin care is incredibly important in your 20s because what you do or don’t do now, can drastically affect your skin’s texture in future.

Your 20s Skin Deserves To Be Pampered

A perfect skin care in your 20s has a lot to do with maintaining the health of your skin inside out, because right now, your skin is in its healthiest state. You’ve crossed the stage of hormonal changes experienced through the teenage years and your skin cells are probably generating at an optimal rate. Your collagen and elastin fibres are at a perfect level to help make your skin look firm, hydrated and radiant. However, all this does not get you off the hook of taking anti-aging skin care in your 20s.

So, how can you preserve this youthful glow of your 20s without being too harsh on your skin? Fortunately, Vitamin E and A has been scientifically proved to effectively counteract and even help reverse the physical signs of aging. This is one of the biggest reasons why Vitamin E is one of the most common ingredients in majority of skin care formulations.

Vitamin E – For a Beautifully Glowing Skin That Radiates

It’s a well-known fact that Vitamin E is incredibly good for your skin. But unfortunately, not many people can tell you the exact benefits delivered by this nutrient.

A fat soluble vitamin, Vitamin E functions as an antioxidant and protects your body against the damaging effects caused by free-radicals, which damage the body at cellular levels, causing dry skin, fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. Vitamin E helps protect the skin from these degenerating signs of aging.

Vitamin E and Its Benefits for Skin

Protecting DNA, active enzyme sites and cell membranes from free-radical damages is the key role of Vitamin E. The lipids in the cell membrane are highly susceptible to free radical damage attack due to both internal and external factors such as UV exposure and chemical pollutants, etc. As a part of its antioxidant defence mechanism the skin comprises of 1% alpha-tocotrienol, 87% alpha-tocopherol, 9% gamma-tocopherol and 3% gamma-tocotrienol to protect itself.

Vitamin E, because of its lipid soluble antioxidant properties, penetrates into the vital membranes of the skin cells and accumulates there to guard against the lipid peroxidation. But, unlike other antioxidants, Vitamin E does not stop there!

Generally, when any antioxidant molecule accepts a free electron from oxygen radical, it becomes inactive. But, Vitamin E shares a unique bond with two other antioxidants, alpha lipoic acid and Vitamin C, which further allow Vitamin E to continue protecting the skin. Here, alpha lipoic acid and Vitamin C serve to eliminate additional electron from used Vitamin E molecule and thus help in reactivating it effortlessly.

What You Need To Know About Vitamin E Skin Defence Mechanism

Photoprotection and antioxidant benefits are not the only advantages offered by Vitamin E. It has been discovered that delta tocotrienols are beneficial in slowing down the production of melanin, the pigment that is responsible for unsightly age spots. According to a study these two forms of Vitamin E are highly effective in suppressing the activity of tyrosinase, an enzyme used in melanin formation. Furthermore, this ability of blocking the synthesis of melanin was found to be effective even at low doses of Vitamin E.

As compared to many other water soluble skin lightening ingredients, Vitamin E has been proved to be multiple times more effective as it penetrates more deeply and delivers results in a more controlled and continuous manner, making it a safe and effective alternative.

Choose Vitamin E for A Smooth and Soft Skin

Your skin comprises of a waterproof barrier that keeps in moisture to prevent skin damage. However, environmental influences along with the natural aging process can cause breakdown of this protective barrier, making the skin lose its moisture and become dry.

Thankfully, the good news is Vitamin E helps maintain this barrier in an effective way. It helps regulating the complex mechanism for restoring and maintaining this barrier function. This precious nutrient locks moisture into the skin and keeps it from drying.

Taking Vitamin E supplements is a great way to help revitalize your skin inside out. High quality Vitamin E supplements are known to deliver incredible moisturising benefits and they also work to reduce skin roughness, fine lines and wrinkles. And although, the study on human effects still needs to be done, the laboratory research performed on rodents revealed that this vitamin may even help in decreasing the manifestations of UV-induced skin cancer.

Important Considerations Before Using Sports Supplements

Whenever the subject of sports supplements comes up in a conversation, there is always one who brings up the issue of protein shakes. These supplements are solely intended to increase muscle mass strength in the body. Sport and health are synonymous in the eyes of nutritionists, and their job is to advise the athletes the right food that leads to increase in performance and power in their respective line of fields.

When we talk about sports supplements, not all do the same job i.e. to gain muscle and body mass. Then, what the basic difference and how these are classified, let’s take a look in detail.


As we have said, when you play any sport one thing is sure – fluid loss by sweating. It is believed that of during a physical activity around 1.5 to 3 liters of fluid is lost per hour. That is why it is imperative to a good replacement of water and salts to prevent dehydration, which can have serious consequences on the athlete’s health. The isotonic drinks and salts help in rehydrating the body, and hence essential for endurance sports that involve high sweating.


When we talk of recovery, what quickly comes to our mind is “rest”. And we are not wrong; the key to a good sports performance is to give the body proper rest, helping it to recover. But, in addition to rest, the body also needs specific nutrients such as carbohydrates to reload deposits, minerals for balance of salts, amino acids for muscle recovery, and vitamins to prevent oxidative stress. The milkshakes and yogurt can be a good choice to prop up the recovery.


No matter which sports you are into if your body is fit then only you can excel in it. You need to develop your cognitive functions, and it is necessary to provide your body the necessary nutrients to develop its activities normally. On several occasions we have insisted that a balanced diet and a few small adjustments are sufficient to obtain the vital energy. But, there are times when it is not enough to have a balanced diet, especially when exercise demand higher energy input, such as in endurance sports such as running, long distance, cycling or triathlon. What could be the solution in these special cases? No need to fret, as we have got it all covered. Sports supplementation such as energy bars, gels and energy drinks for athletes can help to estrus purposes.

Protection and Prevention

When we think of nutritional supplements, we tend to think of increase in performance, right? It is not always the case, sometimes these supplements have the purpose to cover potential nutritional deficiencies to avoid degradation of our body and prevent injury. Sports nutrition has a very active role in protecting and preventing physical problems of deficit contributions of certain nutrients.

Adequate hydration and proper supply of magnesium, for example, help prevent and avoid muscle cramps. As you have noticed, sports nutrition relies on sports supplements to complete nutrient demands in athletes who need it. With this article we have only just scratching the surface; let’s now try to categorize these supplements in the next section.

Before aerobic exercise (cardio)

One more thing that can help you in your training sessions is having caffeine half an hour before aerobic exercise. 200-300 grams will be more than enough if you’re looking to burn fat as it causes the body to use more energy from adipose (fat) instead of obtaining glucose derived from carbohydrates. In addition, caffeine reduces muscle pain during exercise, so you can continue exercising for longer. 10-15 minutes before exercise intake of amino acids is also a good idea because this allows the muscle mass is maintained, plus it keeps the body in optimal function longer. 6 to 10 grams of amino acids will be sufficient. Since these pills are not as common, it is possible to eat about 10 grams of Whey protein quality as these also contain essential amino acids.

Before exercise

Taking Argine supplementation for pre-workout, one hour before exercise can increase the amount of blood reaching the muscles. In this way amino acids and glucose are continuously supplied to the muscles. Many magazines say that glutamine is a perfect supplement to use during this time, but the fact is that neither it’s a essential sport supplement not it’s 100% checked. Besides this, 20 grams of Whey protein provides adequate protein synthesis, which is necessary to create muscle growth. Here many speak of creatine, which has good results and if you want to use you can try 3-5 grams half an hour before the training, as this puts your muscles receptive for the constant energy source.

After exercise

At the end of your workout, get some protein and amino acids for muscle repair. Many beliee that leucine is required to initiate protein synthesis. If you have just began working out then protein shake (30-40 grams) will be sufficient as protein supplements are generally have essential amino acids like leucine. One thing you should always remember – Talk to your doctor if you have diabetes because this can have serious consequences for people who suffer from this condition.

Herbal Dietary Supplements in a Nutshell

Before discussing anything about herbal dietary products, let us take you back in time somewhere in late 1800s.This is when the medicinal use of drugs first began. Aspirin was introduced into medical practice in 1898 followed by morphine and barbiturates in 1900 and 1903 respectively. Seeing the incredible response for these drugs, acquisitive manufacturers invested whole heartedly in this sector and year after year came up with new synthetic drugs for various diseases and disorders. So, the market flooded with generic drugs of numerous brands. But with the advent of modern medicines, issues such as drug resistance, grave side effects and adverse drug reactions became more and more prevalent. This made people turn towards natural products and thus the renaissance of naturopathy took place. Many health conscious people go for herbal dietary supplements these days for promoting health in a safer way.

What are dietary supplements?

Dietary supplements are compounds added to the diet such as vitamins, minerals, essential fats and herbs etc. that improve heath. These supplements are not intended to replace food but may help to make up for the nutrients that your diet falls short off. These may be natural dietary supplements which derived from plants or simple dietary products such as vitamin pills. Herbal supplements are touted for many health benefits with least side effects. These are enriched with various types of herbs which have been traditionally used for their medicinal value. However some of the benefits promised by the manufacturers are not scientifically proven. So, as a vigilant consumer, you need to assess the dietary products carefully and choose the suitable product only after weighing its possible risks.

Following is a list of common herbs used in most of the natural dietary supplements that would help you distinguish the real benefits from false claims:




Evening primrose oil
(Oenothera biennis)

Treat eczema: Yes
• Treat rheumatoid arthritis: 

Reduce breast pain: Yes
• Treat osteoporosis: No

Tolerated by most people; stomach upset and headache may occur.

Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia

Reduce duration of colds:No
• Boost immune system:
• Heal wounds:

GI symptoms including nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting
• Allergic reactions (especially those allergic to the daisy/aster family).

Garlic (Allium sativum)

Reduce the risk of heart disease:Yes
•Lower high blood cholesterol:
•Lower high blood pressure:
• Prevent cancer:
• Treat athlete’s foot:

Safe for most individuals.
• Increase in bleeding.
• Breath or skin odor.
• Possible nausea, heartburn, or diarrhea at high doses.
• Topical garlic can cause skin irritation, blistering and burns.
• Asthma and other allergic, reactions are possible.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Prevent motion sickness: Inconclusive
• Reduce morning sickness: 
• Reduce nausea and vomiting :
• Used as digestive aid: 
• Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, join, and muscle pain: 

Well tolerated when used in small doses. High doses may cause abdominal discomfort, heartburn, diarrhea (most often may cause abdominal associated with powdered ginger.

St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum)

Treat depression: Inconclusive
• Improve premenstrual syndrome:
• Treat obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD): 
• Treat seasonal affective disorder(SAD):
• Used for wounds (inflammation), muscle aches, first-degree burns:

Insomnia, anxiety, irritability, gastrointestinal (GI) discomfort, diarrhea, fatigue, dry mouth, dizziness, and headache.
• Photosensitivity.
• Hypomania in depressed patients.

Ginseng (Panax ginseng)

Improve cognitive function: Yes
• Enhance athletic performance: 
• Improve mood: 
• Lower blood glucose: 

Side effects rare, especially when used short term in recommended doses.
• Headaches, gastrointestinal distress.
• Menstrual abnormalities, breast tenderness.
• Insomnia.

Ginkgo biloba(Ginkgo biloba)

Improve age-related impairment of memory and dementia: Inconclusive
• Improve visual field in glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy:
• Lowering blood pressure and

hypertension: No

Mild gastrointestinal (GI) upset, headache, dizziness, palpitations, constipation, and allergic skin reactions.
• Spontaneous bleeding.

Turmeric ( Curcuma longa)

Anti inflammatory: Yes

Anti cancerous: Inconclusive

Cures cough and cold: No

Excessive consumption of turmeric may cause stomach pains

May be irritant to the skin

Green tea extract(Camellia sinensis)

Reduces risk for cancer: Inconclusive
• Reduces risk for heart disease:
• Controls blood pressure:

Moderate intake of green tea extract is safe for most individuals.
• Nausea if consumed on an empty stomach.

Are Herbal Supplements safe?

Like all other synthetic medicines, herbal supplement products also have active ingredients which provide them the medicinal properties. So, it should not be very surprising to know that these dietary supplements may cause allergic reactions, side effects or harmful drug interactions. Also, the manufacture of these supplements is not standardized or supervised by regulatory authorities like pharmaceutical companies which follow stringent regulations to bring their products in the market. So consumer must use his discretion and even seek medical advice before starting any supplement.

Our ancient medicinal system has mentioned many benefits of herbal products. But there is often a conflict between the scientific evidence and traditional knowledge. Striking a healthy balance between conventional medicines and herbal supplements can help us to achieve ‘Ayurveda’ or complete knowledge for long life.

Pregnancy and Vegetarianism can go Hand in Hand

Evolutionarily speaking, Homo sapiens or humans are omnivorous or can consume both plant and animal products. However, some of us choose to avoid foods from animal sources and still to an all plant diet. This kind of diet is good to follow but for women who are pregnant, going vegetarian can deprive them of several essential nutrients. To make this situation even more complex, there are vegetarians (called vegans) who not only shirk away from meat or chicken but all the animal products including milk, eggs, curd etc. Other than vegans there are some more types of vegetarians such as:

  • Pescatarian: Popularly known as ‘fishetarians’, these people consume the best of everything. Their diet includes food from plants, dairy, eggs and even fish. Meat and poultry are excluded.

  • Lacto-ovovegetarian: They consume dairy products and eggs in addition to plant products but no meat, poultry or fish.

  • Lactovegetarian: Their diet includes plant and dairy products but meat, poultry, fish, and eggs are excluded.

If you are a pregnant woman following any of the above diets, you may run deficient in some essential nutrients if you tend to ignore your nutrition. Pregnancy supplements are good backups and can help you obtain important vitamins and minerals for a healthy pregnancy. This way you can continue having your ‘green food’ without turning into a meat eater during pregnancy. Most of the popular pregnancy supplements for vegetarians include:

Calcium and Vitamin D:

As most of the rich sources of calcium are animal products, being a vegetarian may make it difficult for you to obtain this essential mineral. Women can go for calcium supplements during pregnancy to meet their demands along with adding lots of fruits and vegetables in their diet. It is important to take care of your vitamin D levels too. Vitamin D helps in absorption of calcium and is synthesized by your body on exposure to sunlight. Deficiency of this vitamin can weaken bones and teeth. You can take vitamin D supplements for pregnancy, if just can’t have enough exposure to sun.


The demand for zinc increases during pregnancy. But thankfully vegetarians don’t have to worry much about it as it is present in good amounts in legumes, whole grains and nuts. So, all you have to do is include these in your diet.


The nutritious demand of a pregnant woman is more than as compared to others. So, as vegetarians already have a narrow choice of food to fulfill their protein demands, they have to dig in for some rich plant based sources. These are beans, soy products, and whole grains. Tofu is a good alternative for cheese and can be incorporated in most of your meals along with soy milk.


Iron is a critical mineral during pregnancy and is required in higher amount during this phase. This is because, your baby meets his iron demand from you and if you run down in this mineral; you are probably depriving the iron power to your infant. Doctors often recommend iron supplements during pregnancy, in the second and third trimester phase. A diet rich in iron is a must along with supplements. Tofu, whole grains, banana, apple, spinach can provide you with lots of iron.


Don’t fall out of folate as this vitamin becomes absolutely vital during pregnancy. Folate deficiency causes neural tube disorders in infants and birth of underweight babies. Foods including fortified pasta, bread, cereals, juices along with dried beans and green vegetables can provide ample of folate to vegans. Generally, folate supplements for pregnancy contain about 400 micrograms of this vitamin.

Essential fatty acids:

Vegetarians mostly miss out on fish which is rich in essential fatty acids. These can be managed by supplementing your diet with flaxseed and its oil, walnuts, canola oil and soybeans. DHA is one of the most important fats for brain development. Some pregnancy supplements are enriched with micro algae derived essential fats.

Vitamin B12:

Meat is loaded with vitamin B12. But for vegetarians, there are few natural alternate sources of this vitamin. Thanks to the B12 fortified foods which can help vegetarians to gain good amount of Vitamin B12. Women are even recommended to consume probiotic supplements during pregnancy as these have been found to have incredible benefits along with increasing the B12 levels.


Some women take iodine supplements in pregnancy. However, if you use iodized salt for cooking, there is hardly any need for extra supplements for this mineral. Milk is also a rich source of iodine but for vegans beans and prunes should be good.

Pregnancy supplements become even more important for vegetarian women as it is hard consume a well balanced diet consistently. So, these supplements make up for your cheat days! Pregnancy can make you finicky about food. Trying out new recipes can help you avoid food boredom. So go ahead as there is so much you can do with vegetables, tofu and legumes. Endorse a healthy diet and have a worry-less pregnancy.

Have You Been Experiencing Lack Of Energy And Vitality Lately? You Could Be Vitamin B12 Deficient

If you’ve tried every possible thing to boost your energy, but still feel drained, you may wish to start looking for answers somewhere else. Dropping levels of Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is one of the main overlooked reasons. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that lies at the core of our body’s ability to make DNA for forming new cells, transform the food that we eat into energy, required to power our metabolism and also to form healthy red blood cells. According to the recent studies about 15-40% people on an average suffer from Vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency – Should You Be Concerned?

Now, you must be wondering why you should be concerned with Vitamin B12 deficiency. You would be surprised to know, but insufficient levels of this vitamin can be one main reason for mood changes, deep fatigue supported by symptoms of dementia, which may prevent you from performing to the best of your abilities and the best of your energy. If left unchecked or ignored, Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to permanent nerve damage. This is why it is important for you to be concerned with its falling levels.

Prominent symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency include:

  • Unusual mood swings

  • Lack of vitality and energy

  • Difficulty in concentrating

  • Feeling of numbness in feet and hands

  • Inflamed and cracked tongue

Who’s At The Risk Of Developing Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

The trending changes in lifestyles, medications and diets have been affecting our Vitamin B12 levels drastically. And while you should be taking to your health care provider regarding your personal history, mentioned below are certain groups which stand a close change of developing this deficiency:

  1. If You Are On Certain Medication

The absorption of Vitamin B12 largely occurs in the stomach. Here, the acid inside the stomach works to unlock B12 from the food that you eat and makes it available to other parts of your body. In case you are on medication which supress the production of gastric acid, you may become vulnerable to develop Vitamin B12 deficiency.

  1. If You’ve Had Gastrointestinal Surgery Or Are Suffering From Gastrointestinal Disorders

Any kind of stomach surgery, such as gastric bypass, can affect your body’s ability to absorb Vitamin B12 normally. Also, if you’re suffering from IBS, celiac disease or Crohn’s disease then again, your chances of developing Vitamin B12 deficiency are extremely high. This is because you may be unable to absorb sufficient quantities of this vitamin from your food.

  1. If You Are 50 Years Or Above

Our body tends to undergo various changes as we age and changes in the stomach lining are one of them. These changes can reduce the production of stomach acid by up to 30% and as a result, your body loses its capacity to unlock sufficient quantities of Vitamin B12 from food sources. This is why, it is largely recommended that aging adults should consume high quality Vitamin B12 supplements, such as iOTH’s Tough and Ton. What’s the difference? These dietary supplements contain Vitamin B12 in its free form and as such these do not depend on the unlocking mechanism of gastric acid in the stomach.

Top Ways to Boost Your Vitamin B12 Levels

Besides taking quality supplements, what could be the other possible ways to boost Vitamin B12 levels in your body?

Certain foods are naturally rich in Vitamin B12 content. For instance, animal foods like poultry, pork, seafood and dairy products are some of the most reliable sources. While fortified foods, especially the breakfast cereals are enough to make up required amounts of this vitamin for your body. Here are some of the easiest ways you can boost Vitamin B12 levels in your body:

  1. Begin Your Day With Fortified Foods

Make healthy eating and fulsome breakfast a part of your daily habit. Try munching on fortified foods, especially at your breakfast table. These foods are not only affordable but are also one of the easiest ways to get you the required amount of B12.

  1. Unlock The Health Benefits Of Clam

Sea food is by far one of the best sources to gain sufficient quantities of Vitamin B12. It is quite interesting to know that mere 3 ounces of canned clams would be sufficient to supply 100% Vitamin B12 to your body and is also an excellent source of protein, zinc, iron and selenium. Trout, salmon and sardines are also known to deliver similar health benefits.

  1. Given Up On Red Meat? Try Nutritional Yeast

All those who have given up on red meat or follow a vegan diet, can fulfil their Vitamin B12 requirements by taking B12 enriched nutritional yeast. All you need to do is just sprinkle some amounts of nutritional yeast on your daily meals or smoothies or even on your desserts to meet your daily Vitamin B12 requirements.