Are Resveratrol Supplements Really Helpful or Just a Myth?

Resveratrol has gained a lot of attention lately for its immense health benefits. A member of a group of plant compound named as polyphenols, it is believed to have powerful antioxidant properties, which help protect the body against the damaging effects of free radicals and certain other conditions such as heart diseases and cancer. An important nutrient, resveratrol is mainly found in grape skin, berries as well as peanuts.

As resveratrol health benefits are many, so it’s not at all surprising that why so many manufacturers are trying to bank upon resveratrol by selling resveratrol supplements.

Advertisements touting various resveratrol uses offered by resveratrol supplements promises customers everything from weight loss to good health and longevity. All this hype raises only one question – Are resveratrol supplements capable enough to deliver the promised resveratrol health benefits or it’s just another hoax?

Resveratrol Health Benefits – Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Resveratrol has gained a widespread popularity mainly because of its anti-aging and disease combating properties. Early research on various resveratrol uses, performed on animals as well as in test-tubes suggest that this incredible nutrient may help protect the body against a number of diseases, some of which include –

  • Heart Diseases – Resveratrol has shown to reduce inflammation, while preventing oxidation of LDL or “bad cholesterol” and makes it hard for the platelets to stick together and coagulate to form clots which can lead to heart attack.
  • Cancer – It is believed that resveratrol helps limit the spread of cancer cells and also triggers the process of apoptosis that cancer cell death.
  • Alzheimer’s Diseases – Another one of resveratrol uses include protection of nerve cells from the buildup and damage of plaque, which can eventually cause Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Diabetes – This nutrient may help prevent insulin resistance, which if left untreated may work as a precursor to diabetes.

Various studies performed on rodents show that resveratrol might even prove helpful in fighting against the effects of some of the unhealthy lifestyle practices, thereby promoting health and longevity.

Resveratrol health benefits don’t just end there. Research has also linked resveratrol with prevention of age-related diseases, such as insulin resistance and heart problems. It is believed that resveratrol helps activate the SIRT1 gene, which triggers a biological mechanism which helps protect the body against the harmful effects of obesity and age related diseases.

Staying Safe With Resveratrol Supplements

Amidst all the resveratrol hype, the fact remains, that so far, only a limited number of studies have been performed to verify the health effects of resveratrol supplements on humans. This makes it difficult even for the health care providers to confirm the benefits as well as the side effects caused by resveratrol supplements on prolonged use.

So far, the studies have not revealed any side effects of resveratrol supplements. Taking abusive doses of the same is still not recommended. It is important to note that resveratrol supplements might interact with other medications, such as anti-inflammatory medicines ad blood thinners and increase the risk of bleeding.

Making The Most Of Resveratrol Uses

Similar to other supplements, even resveratrol supplements are not regulated by the FDA. So, if you are buying a bottle of resveratrol supplement, it would be difficult for you to know what exactly are you getting and whether the product will be as effective as claimed to be. Also, there is no specific dosage recommendation for resveratrol and as such the dosages might vary for different supplement brands.

According to recent studies, resveratrol dosages offered by most supplement brands are far below the amounts which deliver optimal health results. To make the most of the resveratrol uses, you would have to consume around 2g or more resveratrol every day. Most importantly, it is advisable you consult your health care provider before beginning resveratrol supplementation to make the most of your health.