Probiotic Supplements-The health Promoters

The word bacteria make us think of diseases, contamination and infection. But, what if you are told that some bacteria are good for you? In fact they can benefit your health in several unknown ways! Years of microbial research has revealed that some types of live bacteria and yeasts can be beneficial for health. They are thus called ‘Probiotics’ meaning ‘in favor of life’. Probiotics rose to fame somewhere in 1990s and since then have been tapped by various brands to produce healthy probiotic supplements. Although these friendly bacteria are normally found in your body naturally but these days you can even obtain them from a range of supplements.

How do these ‘good bacteria’ benefit your health?

Your gut has a wide area covered by friendly bacteria that get destroyed due to antibiotic drug course or in case of ‘bad’ bacterial infection. Hence, supplements with probiotics act as inoculums to increase the good bacteria population. The probiotics prevent monopoly of bad bacteria in your gut by creating a competition for space and nutrition. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are two of the most common genus of bacteria found in probiotic supplements.

Benefits of probiotic supplements

There is a long list of advantages of probiotic supplements. Some of them are:

Treat Diarrhea:

Isn’t it strange that most common causative agent of diarrhea is bacteria but this condition can be treated using some good bacteria in probiotic supplements! Well, there are well documented studies to show that probiotics can be used to possibly treat various forms of gastroenteritis.

Cholesterol:  Isn’t yoghurt, a tasty way to lower your cholesterol? Several animal studies have demonstrated that some strains of lacto bacillus bacteria are capable of lowering serum levels of LDL or bad cholesterol.

Blood pressure: Have you tried the fermented probiotic milk widely available in the market? If not, go for it because it has been found to reduce blood pressure in people suffering with hypertension.

Boosts up the Immunity: This may sound ironical but is certainly true! Taking probiotic supplements regularly can improve your immunity by production of immune cells such as T lymphocytes, antibody producing plasma cells and natural killer cells, all of which are involved in fighting microbial infections. Probiotics also help to curb dental caries and prevent respiratory tract infections too. Thus these supplements help to support the intestinal flora which proves to be protective against various infections and thus strengthen the immune system.

Prevent Allergies:

In a study involving pregnant ladies, it was found that women taking probiotic supplements during pregnancy gave birth to infants with 30 % lesser chances of eczema as compared to others who didn’t consume probiotics.

Healthy for women:

Probiotics help to prevent commonly occurring vaginal infections in women and even manage an active infection by supporting the effect of antibiotic medicines. This proves to be a boon for pregnant women who are more vulnerable to vaginal infections which have been known to cause pre term labor in women. Hence, taking probiotics during pregnancy has an array of benefits for the mothers as well as for the infants.


Yes! Bacteria can help you lose your fat. A recent research shows that probiotics can help obese people to shed their extra weight. That doesn’t means that you can rely entirely upon probiotic supplements for weight loss. But consuming probiotics along with normal weight loss activities have been shown to have positive results. These supplements may also help the people who have had liposuction done, to maintain ideal weight post surgery.

Irritable bowel syndrome and colitis: Being known for its anti inflammatory effect, probiotics can be beneficial for people with irritable bowel syndrome and colitis.

Vitamin production:

You can also have your vitamin tank refueled with the help of probiotics as some gut friendly bacteria are capable of producing vitamins such as Vitamin K, Vitamin B12 and folic acid.

Are probiotics safe?

Even though probiotics offer multifaceted benefits, you must be careful before making them part of your daily diet. Probiotics are treated as foods and hence are not regulated by regulatory authorities like pharmaceutical products. So, it is best to ask your doctor about the suitable product and required dose for you. In case you encounter any allergic reaction from probiotic supplements, discontinue their consumption and consult your doctor immediately.

Supplements enriched with probiotics offer an easy way to ingest millions of friendly bacteria looking forward to improve your health and immunity. However, if you want to avoid trying a range of new probiotic supplements, there are several food products that can serve you with a good dose of probiotics. Homemade yoghurts, soy milk and even chocolates can help you enjoy the benefits of probiotics. So, make yourself healthier with the world of bacteria which have more of affection than infection for you!

Potassium Supplements: A Close Look on Preventive Measures

When we talk about the health issues there is nothing that we can find unrelated from our daily live routine. Let me make it clearer with the help of an example. Suppose that your doctor have prescribed you to take potassium rich food to curb down your potassium deficiency. On a different note, here is a scenario where you went for shopping. While shopping in a supermarket, we usually pick any random item that we see, right? Suppose you picked up a can of juice and checked the amount of nutritional value to check for the potassium content in the juice, ensuring that you were having the right nutritional dosage.

Fair enough! But, if you had gone through the same incident a decade earlier, you might not have found the units for potassium. Strange! Yes, that’s right, until recently, potassium levels were not included in the nutritional information provided on packaged foods. However, since 2001, this information has been included and became a legal requirement for food manufacturers around the globe.

Potassium is very beneficial to health regulating fluid balance in your body and helps in lowering the blood pressure of the body. Although, the body requires very less amount of potassium as compared to other nutrients, and therefore you can get all the potassium that your body needs through a healthy balanced diet.

Some people need more potassium in their diet and this can be achieved by eating foods rich in potassium, without using any potassium supplements. On the other hand, people who suffer from diabetes need to reduce their potassium levels which generate a question: what is the optimal dose of potassium intake? Surely, it’s a genuine question to ask to keep a regular check on mineral intake and health issues.

Potassium is a mineral that helps maintain a healthy balance of fluids circulating in your body. It also plays an important role in the work and development of nerves and muscles. Like other nutrients, potassium is also a vital ingredient that regulates the processes in the body. This key serves as an electrolyte mineral regulating fluid levels and the conductivity in cells and tissues. Potassium is essential for the appropriate working of several enzymes, which are involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates. It is also necessary for muscle contraction in the heart, digestive system and throughout the skeletal muscles.

Most healthy people do not need to worry about potassium intake because it is widely available in foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Some types of diuretics cause the body to excrete potassium, which should be replaced by foods. If you take diuretics, talk to your doctor about your need for potassium.

Quantity of potassium supplement

The amount of potassium that a person should consume each day depends on age. You should take potassium supplements only under the medical supervision. Do not give potassium supplements to children unless your doctor has told you to do so. The adequate daily intake for adults and adolescents over 14 years is 4,700 mg. A woman breastfeeding need more potassium and should acquire 5,000 mg a day. Children 1-3 years old need 3,000 mg. In children aged 4-8 years, this value increases to 3,800 mg and those of 9-13 years 4,500 mg daily.

Rich potassium sources

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides just enough potassium for most healthy individuals. One medium banana provides 422 mg of potassium and a baked potato with skin contains 926 mg. Orange juice, avocados, melons, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, halibut, salmon, cod, chicken and meats are rich in potassium.

Potassium deficiency signals

Low levels of potassium in the blood indicate a condition called hypokalemia. The shortage of potassium, hypokalemia defined in medical language, becomes manifest when the concentration of the mineral in the blood is lower than 3.5 mEq/l. The normal potassium level in the blood is 3.6 to 4.8 milli equivalents per liter (mEqL). If potassium is less than 2.5 mEqL, serious health problems can occur. Signs of a potassium deficiency include fatigue, weakness, muscle pain, cramps, constipation, bloating, abdominal pain and irregular heartbeat.

Clinical symptoms linked to potassium deficiency may include:

Muscle cramps, fatigue, constipation and poor appetite; sometimes may appear signs of neuromuscular hyper-excitability, which occur with sudden flashes and spontaneous fasciculation.

In severe cases, potassium deficiency can cause hypoventilation up to respiratory paralysis, bradycardia with abnormal electrocardiographic and cardiac arrhythmias, flaccid paralysis and tendon hyporeflexia, paralytic ileus (intestinal obstruction for the termination of the peristaltic movements) and polyuria.

Potassium Supplements

Many multivitamins counter supplements contain less than 99 mg of potassium. Individual potassium supplements are available for oral or intravenous administration. You just take supplements under medical supervision. They can interact with a variety of common drugs and can be dangerous in many cases where people are infected with certain underlying diseases. A doctor will carefully monitor potassium levels of the patient and suggest appropriate dosage; otherwise he/she might get caught to hyperkalemia, in which the potassium levels in the body are extremely high.

Pharmaceutical Grade Vitamins vs. Whole Food Vitamins: How Can You Determine The Supplement Quality?

The fast pace of modern life and intensive farming practices are negatively affecting the food supply. In fact, even if people try to follow healthy eating habits, they still lack the essential vitamins and minerals needed to maintain a healthy living. Knowing what supplements your body needs is important, but just as vital is making sure that whatever you choose contains the purest and most bioavailable ingredients possible. Bioavailability simply means the extent by which the vitamins can be absorbed from your intestines to perform its job. In case of low bioavailability of the product, more is actually passing through your body in place of helping your health.

A lot of misleading information has however been surfacing as to what vitamins are the best for you. In fact, most people when looking for quality vitamins and supplements have been subjected to other’s opinions as to what is best for them, or what others think is superior. Therefore, to help you better understand the difference between the much created hype; the following article focuses on the foundational paradigms on which vitamins are made.

Vitamins can be taken in three main ways, including – prescription grade, general vitamin supplements also known as whole food vitamins and pharmaceutical grade vitamins.

Whole Food Vitamins – These are the vitamins you find at your local stores. These do not follow any real regulation, which makes their purity questionable. In addition to this the actual vitamin contained in the whole food vitamins is not very bioavailable.

Prescription Grade – A purer form of vitamin that comes in a better bioavailable form as compared to whole food vitamins, but then again, there are no outside source that evaluate these products and validate its contents.

Pharmaceutical Grade Vitamins – The pharmaceutical grade vitamins are by far the best vitamins you can buy. For any company to claim their vitamins to be pharmaceutical grade means that an outside lab has evaluated their supplement and confirmed its purity and high bioavailability.

Pharmaceutical Grade Vitamins vs Whole Food Vitamins – What’s best for you?

While every vitamin supplement has its potential benefits and drawbacks, whole food and pharmaceutical grade vitamins come with different advantages and applications.

  1. Different Levels of Regulation

One of the key differences between whole food vitamins and pharmaceutical grade vitamins is the level of government regulation on their manufacturing and sales.

The pharmaceutical grade vitamins are required to undergo stringent regulations set by the Food and Drug Administration. Under this, the pharmaceuticals go through rigorous testing at every stage in order to monitor their content safety, efficacy and reliability.

Whole food vitamin supplements on the other hand, only undergo the general regulation to ensure they will not harm the consumers. However, these do not undergo the same level of stringent regulations with respect to their contents. What’s more, although the foods comprising of vitamins are monitored for their safety levels, but here again, these do not undergo stringent regulations with respect to efficacy and the vitamin levels.

  1. Ingredient Check

Another major difference between whole food vitamins and pharmaceutical grade vitamins are their ingredients. Generally, you’ll find pharmaceutical grade vitamins to contain pure samples of active vitamins. This is specifically beneficial for doctors as it allows them to administer precise dosages of essential vitamins to meet the patient’s needs.

Talking about whole food vitamins – most often these contain less pure samples of active vitamins and may also contain beneficial additives, such as green tea extracts. Also, the vitamins that come from foods are complimented with many other nutrients that come with food, these include, proteins, sugars, minerals and other vitamins.

Here’s How Whole Food Vitamins Can Benefit You

One of the major advantages of whole food vitamins for you is the presence of many other beneficial nutrients. Plus, you consume your vitamins in a healthy way, following a varied diet that helps to ensure that you consume essential nutrients, including minerals and other phytochemicals. When looking to maintain a great health, you should prefer taking a varied diet and also improve your vitamin intake with multivitamin. But remember, it is important you talk to your health care provider before adding any supplement to help determine the effective dosages that best meet your needs.

Why Pharmaceutical Grade Vitamins Best For You

There are many cases where pharmaceutical grade vitamins have proved better than whole food vitamins and prescription grade vitamins. Taking pharmaceutical grade vitamins can prove useful in curing various diseases, as these provide dosages of pure vitamins without the addition of any additives that can otherwise affect a vitamins function. For instance, a pharmaceutical grade vitamin, niacin may prove far more effective than any regular vitamin supplement in treating health ailments, such as high cholesterol.

In case you require these vitamins in order to treat a specific disorder, make sure you consult your health care provider about what all benefits the pharmaceutical grade vitamins may provide you.

Overweight? Let Weight Loss Vitamins Help you!

Are you dealing with ‘I cannot fit in my old clothes’ stage? Well, this is the time to shun the elevator and use the stairs. Weight loss may be a short phrase but is a very long phase. It needs patience- a lot of it, self control and too much of hard work. Although, a strict workout schedule is necessary, some weight loss vitamins can be quite helpful to shed your extra fat. Vitamins and health are closely related. Let’s make an analogy. Imagine there is a huge machine which is made to run the whole day. Now start removing its screws one by one. It won’t make a difference initially but eventually the machine will become too weak to work. These screws are like the ‘Vitamins’ in your body. They may be required in small quantities but their deficiency adversely affects our health. However, during weight loss we tend to focus only on the nutrients that provide energy such as proteins. But, vitamins have a very important role to play here:

  • Vitamin B complex present in oats, eggs, wheat bran, helps in regulating your metabolism which is necessary for weight loss. Inositol which is a member of this family helps to break down fats, which makes it an indispensible vitamin for weight loss.

  • While dieting, your main aim is to burn the extra calories and Vitamin C does just that for you! It helps to convert sugar into energy and prevents it from pilling up.

Apart from the vitamins, there are several natural weight loss supplements that help you burn your fats. Ever heard of diatomaceous earth? Yes the ones used to clean the pool! This may sound bizarre but the food grade quality of these fossilized algae can help you not only to lose your weight but also manage your cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Also, there are Chia seeds- a rich source of Omega 3, fucoxanthin, whey protein and many more supplements which you can easily pick up online. You must consult your dietitian before starting any supplement.

When you make a resolution to lose weight, your work is already half done! Now all you need to do is, stick to it, eat well, and work out!

The Right way to Diet

Follow a healthy eating plan

A healthy diet plan should include ample of fresh fruits, green vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grains, seafood, legumes and nuts. Have lots of fiber in the form of salads. Keep your vitamins intake in check. Apart from all the other benefits, vitamins act as mood elevators too.

Nothing will work out without ‘work out’

Exercise is a powerful approach to help you burn calories and increase your strength, balance, and coordination while reducing stress and improving your overall health. You may hit the gym, practice yoga or indulge in aerobics. But, don’t just focus on your diet and miss out on exercise. Eating healthfully and cutting calories is only half the recipe for weight lose. The other but indispensable part is regular physical activity.

Go nutty

Nuts make you feel fuller and also keep your energy levels gushed up throughout the day. So, always keep your pockets loaded with nuts.

Don’t take big steps

We all know how hard it is to change your diet plan. But change should be made gradually. Try leaving your unhealthy eating habits one by one and finally you will reach your goal.

Set achievable goals

Losing 10 kilograms in a month is just impossible. So don’t dream. Leading a healthy lifestyle after following an unhealthy diet plan for years is difficult and will take time. Have patience and be satisfied if you observe a reducing trend.

Reward yourself

Treat yourself with your favorite dessert if you achieve a mini target. Don’t worry! That won’t nullify all your efforts but in fact will motivate you to achieve more.

Track your meal

If you are eating outside your house, keep a track on how much calories you are taking. Go for the healthier options like baked or steamed instead of fried, juice in place cold drinks etc. Go for small sized meals and combine it with a salad if needed.

Weight loss requires constant motivation, self control and patience. So, keep going well on this bumpy road to health!


Nuts for Healthy Living

Nuts have been consumed for over 7 million years now. Various prehistoric nut cracking tools have been found which were made by man to be able to enjoy eating nuts. Seems our ancestors were nut lovers too. However, today you don’t have to make much of an effort to be able to eat nuts. Just buy pack of processes nuts and munch away to happiness! From great taste to high nutritious value, Nuts have all the goodness to offer. Their crunch and enticing taste compel you to have more and more. So, if you are nut lover, you will be happy to know that along with being a treat for your taste buds, nuts are beneficial for your health. We all know nuts are loaded with all kinds of nutrients, but it is now proven that these are rich sources of antioxidants which are good for you. These not only prevent any damage caused due to oxidative stress in the body but also keel your organs and tissues hale and hearty. Following points will surely increase your love for nuts:

Manage your MUFA levels well!

Fats are strange compounds. If a bad fat can make your health suffer, good fat will make you feel better. Thankfully, nuts are excellent source of MUFA or monounsaturated-fatty acids such as palmitoleic and oleic acids. These healthy fats are known to lower bad cholesterol and increase HDL or good cholesterol. Consumption of MUFA is supports heart health by preventing stroke, coronary artery disease, and promoting a good lipid profile.

Nuts for complete nutrition:

In olden times, hunters and nomads carried pocket full of nuts as a reservoir for energy for long foodless days. This is because nuts are stuffed with generous amount of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals to keep your energy levels pumped up for long hours. Also, nuts being a rich source of antioxidants boost up your immunity and wipe out the deleterious free radicals from the body. All this makes nuts an anytime healthy snack. So, next time you go hungry, satiate your hunger handful of healthful almonds, cashews or walnuts!

Enjoy the goodness of essential fats:

Omega 3 is the star amongst all the fats. It is popular for promoting brain development, reducing high blood pressure, preventing heart attacks, strokes and various cancers. Omega 3 has also been found beneficial in depression, Schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease. Some nuts have natural plant sterols which has a cholesterol lowering effect.

Assimilate plenty of antioxidants:

Why run around for searching for antioxidant supplements when nuts can help you to fill up your anti oxidant quota with carotenes, lutein, resveratrol etc. These poly phenolic antioxidants are good for you in countless ways. So why not revitalize your nervous system, heart, brain and all other major organs with the some natural antioxidants that you can obtain from nuts. Resveratrol if found in good amounts in peanuts and is extremely beneficial for your blood vessels.

Welcome some essential vitamins in your diet:

There is no better way to incorporate Vitamin E in your diet other than nuts. Vitamin E is a healthy vitamin for your hair, skin, nails and eyes. Being a potent antioxidant, this vitamin also fight damage causing species. Walnuts and almonds are loaded with this essential vitamin. Apart from this, nuts also provide Vitamin B which is required for overall health benefits.

Fix your digestive issues with Fiber rich nuts!

Fiber may not have any nutritious value but plays a key role in improving your digestion. It leads to better absorption of nutrients and prevents constipation. Fiber is a must for weight loss as it slows down the gastric emptying rate and controls the release of sugar into the blood. The high fiber-low glycemic index of nuts male them suitable for people suffering from diabetes too. Nuts are good sources of both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber with almond being the richest source. You can add them to green leafy salads or whole grain breakfast cereals to meet your fiber demands.

You must remember that even though nuts are small in size, a handful of them can cater to your needs. So hide the packet or jar after taking one helping to avoid overeating. Also, make sure that you buy fresh nuts and consume them timely. Although they may be dried, storing them more long can deteriorate their quality and taste.

Avoid salted or fried nuts. It is best to go for unsalted raw or roasted nuts for maximum health benefits.

The bottom-line is that there is no good reason to avoid nuts anymore. Whether you start your morning with these power packets or munch them for your evening snacks, nuts will always pamper your health in the best possible way. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and make your meals nutty and healthy.

Do you Long to be Complemented on your Hair?

Rapunzel let down your hair!’ And the next thing you see is long, glossy hair flowing down the tower strong enough to tow the prince up and happy ending for her! But what about most of us who struggle through the busy morning hours combing, curling or straightening our frizzy hair to make them look presentable, at least. Switching from one shampoo to another only gives disappointment after a while. So, why not nourish our hair from within and take the nutritious way to get gorgeous hair? There are many vital vitamins for hair which will not only boost your hair growth but will also make them healthy and strong.

Most common Hair Problems:

  • Hair fall: Your heart skips a beat when you see your hair falling off at an alarming rate.

  • Premature Graying of hair: Graying with age is fine but premature graying may happen due to melanocyte damage. Melanocytes produce melanin which gives hair its characteristic color. However, any damage to these cells results in absence of melanin and hence graying.

  • Dandruff: Dandruff is the flaking caused due to excessive shedding of the dead skin cells. It is the most common problem faced by adults around the world. Dandruff can occur because of dryness, fungal infection and even in response to a harsh shampoo.

  • Rough and dull hair: Silky and shiny hair is everyone’s dream but pollution, weather or improper diet can spoil the hair texture.

Following are some key ingredients that make the best vitamin supplements for your hair to give them the much needed nourishment:

Vitamin A:

Longing for long, shiny hair? This vitamin is your remedy. Vitamin A prevents dryness and keeps your scalp moisturized. Egg yolk, milk, spinach, carrots are good sources of Vitamin A.

Vitamin B complex:

This group of vitamins is an elixir for your hair. Eggs, cauliflower, nuts contain biotin or Vitamin B7 which takes care of your hair’s texture and thickness. And if you are struggling with hair loss, foods such as legumes, whole grains, fish, and eggs which are loaded with Vitamin B12 can be helpful.

There are various brands offering biotin enriched shampoos too. However, along with their use, it is best to also keep your body’s vitamin levels under check through food or some of the best vitamin supplements available in the market. One of them is iOTH’s iMultiply which not only contains all the essential vitamins and minerals but also omega 3 and lutein for overall health benefits.

Vitamin C

Your favourite lime water not only refreshes you but also nourishes your hair. Daily intake of Vitamin C through food items or supplements is essential for your hair’s health. Some of the Vitamin C rich food items are: Lemons, guavas, kiwis, strawberries.

Vitamin E

Antioxidant Vitamin E is particularly believed to be good for hair growth and regeneration. Also its antioxidant properties help in protecting your cells from oxidative damage which is responsible for premature graying. Almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts are rich sources of Vitamin E.

The Benefits of Vitamin Supplements

Having said everything, if you are asked to create a diet plan incorporating all the essential vitamins for your hair, and stick to it every day, you would rather opt for the daily morning hair tussle. Wouldn’t it be easy if you won’t have to take care of your daily vitamin intake and someone else does it for you? Say hello to a myriad of vitamin supplements that are flooding the market. And if you are too occupied to even visit a health store, you can now buy vitamin supplements online! You are just a click away from a range of products from different brands. Some even offer cheap vitamin supplements. However, don’t get carried away by low prices and go for a product only after considering its quality, composition and brand reputation! Also, don’t forget to consult your doctor before starting any new supplement.

If relying on best vitamin supplements alone for healthy hair is just not enough for you, here are some more solutions. These may not help you tow a prince with your hair, but can certainly make him come after you!

  • Avoid vigorous head massage

None of us can deny believing that a good head massage improves blood circulation. Break this myth as oiling your hair and scalp may help you to get rid of the dryness but it can be too harsh on your scalp. Vigorous massage causes damage of the hair follicles and hair breakage. It is only exercise that can improve blood circulation to your scalp making the roots healthy and strong.

  • Protect your hair from UV damage and pollution

Cover your head when you are out in the scorching sun to protect it from harmful sunrays. Covering your hair will protect them from pollution and thus maintain their luster.

  • Use anti-fungal shampoos

These can be used to treat dandruff after consulting your doctor to get rid of the infection if any and don’t forget to keep away from the use of cheap vitamins for your hair.

  • Abstain from heat treatments

Heat treatments can damage the cuticle or the outer layer of your hair thus inducing breakage.

Nutrients that Can Make you Smile!

When we were babies, we cried. Not because we used to be depressed but because of anything momentary. But as we grow old our feelings become more obscured and with higher depression levels. So, how could we deal with out tensions and stress without succumbing to depression. There are many benefits of vitamins for health. But research also shows that for mental health, vitamins have had incredibly good results.

B vitamins:

B vitamins tell you to ‘be positive’ by promising several health benefits. Vitamin B12 helps to improve mental health as it is known to play a vital role in producing mood elevating chemicals. Low levels of B vitamins such as vitamin B-6, B 12 and folic acid is directly associated with depression. In a recent study involving people with disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder and depression, B vitamin was found to be quite effective with lesser side effects than anti- depressant drugs. Vitamin B1 is important for regulating blood sugar which has a major impact on anxiety. Vitamin B3 is good for mental health as it helps in the production of a mood regulating hormone called serotonin. A poor diet or an inability to absorb the vitamins from diet can result in its deficiency. Older adults, vegetarians and people with digestive disorders such as celiac disease or Cohn’s disease have trouble in obtaining enough B-12. The best way to get enough B Vitamins is to eat a healthy diet that includes sources of essential nutrients. Vitamin B-12 is found in good amounts in animal products such as poultry, fish, meat, eggs, and fortified breakfast cereals also. In case of deficiency, doctors may recommend vitamin supplements for overall health benefits.

Vitamin D:

A bright sunny day automatically puts a smile on your face. But sun is in a way, literally responsible for better mood by playing a key role in Vitamin D production. Our body produces Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Scientific evidence has revealed that vitamin D deficiency is associated with depression. Vitamin D is important for bone health, cardiovascular health and is also found to be protective against cancer. A great deal of research is being conducted to discover newer health benefits of vitamin D. So as the list of benefits of this sunshine vitamin keeps becoming lengthier, the wisest thing to do is keep its levels in check!


Before you tag vitamins as real heroes for fighting depression, pay your attention towards minerals too. Apart from vitamins for optimal mental and physical health, minerals also have a major role to play in preventing depression. Magnesium is a calming mineral which not only improves the nervous system but also helps to prevent nervousness, fear and anxiety. Magnesium coupled with Vitamin B6 was shown to ease premenstrual symptoms, as well as menstrual cramps. Scientists have proved that taking calcium and magnesium at bedtime can help to promote sound sleep. If you are wondering where you can get your mineral sinks topped up from, consider taking a warm bath! Magnesium added to hot water can get absorbed from your skin. Also, many vegetables such as turnip, beans, spinach, .and broccoli are rich sources of calcium and magnesium. Adding herbs to your food is a great idea basil, oregano, peppermint, thyme are also good sources of calcium.

Omega-3s fatty acid:

You are probably aware of Omega-3 fatty acids and its innumerable health benefits. But quite recently, scientists have shown that a deficit of omega-3 fatty acids is associated with depression. Consumption of small amount of omega-3 fatty acids has been associated to depressive disorders as compared to people who get ample omega-3 fatty acids. Also, people who eat fish rarely are more likely to suffer from depression.  Supplementing your diet with fish oil for at least half a year was found to be responsible for better and happier moods in people. 

Apart from taking care of your diet, there are several changes that you must incorporate in your routine too.

Avoid indulging in depression inducing foods: Many people try to deal with depression by indulging in alcohol or drugs. These can not only reduce the effectiveness of your depression medications but also disturb the sleep pattern making your condition even more miserable. Instead spend more quality time with family and friends for a more contented life.

Keep your Weight in check: You that being overweight is bad for your health. But studies have indicated that obesity is also related to depression. This may result from the physical and hormonal changes that are associated with obesity. Thus the best way to improve your physical and mental health is to work out! Exercise will not only help you to burn your flab but it is also found to release some ‘feel good’ hormones.

So, stop being grumpy and improve your mental health with vitamins and other nutrients.


Multivitamins for Multitasking Women

Are you a woman who juggles with plenty of tasks all day? Amid your chores that keep you on your toes from the minute you step down your bed till the time you cuddle back, there is something which is crying out for your attention-your health! Your nutritional needs change with every stage of life and you can’t be sticking to the same old schedule and diet always. Hence, as you age, vitamins become even more essential for you and their deficiency can lead to serious health problems. Dietary supplements particularly, multivitamins for women, can help you boost up your health and improve your quality of life.

Vitamins are essential compounds that may be required in small quantities but play a crucial role in our body processes. Your body cannot produce vitamins, except Vitamin D, so they have to be incorporated through food. And because no single food contains all the vitamins, a well balanced diet is what you need. So, if you are one of those 10% ladies who can dodge her favorite chocolate pudding for her diet salad, you can afford to skip vitamin supplements. However for the larger chunk of women, multivitamin supplements are important, particularly those who avoid ample of fruits and vegetables. Let’s explore some of the important multivitamins for women’s health.

Be healthy with B vitamins:

Although all the B vitamins are necessary for woman’s health, three vitamins namely, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 is even more important. These are helpful in enhancing cognitive function and building DNA. Multivitamins with Folic acid for pregnant women have been found to lower the risk of neural tube defects and also promote the birth of healthy weight babies.

Vitamin B6 which is important for healthy metabolism can be picked up through potatoes, fish, banana, chickpeas, beans, cereals, meats and poultry. 

Vegetarians are at risk of deficiency of Vitamin B12 and can be benefited from a daily vitamin B12 supplement and adding sources of Vitamin B12 in their diet such as eggs, milk, yoghurt and fortified foods.

Antioxidant Vitamins:

Some vitamins are free radical scavengers or antioxidants. They include Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Vitamin E. These vitamins help to prevent cell damage by knocking down the free radicals which are the main culprits of DNA defects.

Beta-carotene is found in colored fruits and vegetables such as carrots, papaya, peach, apricots, broccoli, tomatoes etc. and is converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A helps to strengthen bones, skin, soft tissues and cell membranes.

Vitamin C helps in formation of red blood cells and accelerates wound healing. It enhances alertness and concentration. Apart from citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, pepper, potato can provide you with ample of Vitamin C

Vitamin E plays a key role in maintenance of cell membranes. Studies have also found Vitamin E to slow down the degenerative changes. Vitamin E is contained in whole grains, sunflower oil, peanut butter and nuts.

For women antioxidant multivitamin supplement is a good source of essential antioxidants if their diet is low in fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin D for women:

Vitamin D helps to the body to absorb bone strengthening minerals, calcium and phosphorus, into the bloodstream. Insufficient supply of Vitamin D diminishes the reserves for calcium and phosphorus thus thinning your bones. Your body can prepare its own Vitamin D on exposure to sunlight. So, that means you don’t have to worry much about your diet for this vitamin. All you need to do is stop shunning the sun. However, older adults or people with darker skin face trouble in trapping enough sunlight and can make up for it with and people who vitamin D-fortified foods or supplements. For postmenopausal women, multivitamin supplements enriched with calcium and vitamin D become even more necessary as they become more prone to osteoporosis after menopause.

How to choose the right multivitamin?

So, the bottom line is that Multivitamin supplements benefit women and help them make up for the missed out vitamins. The next big task is to choose a multivitamin suitable for you.

Steps for selecting for multivitamin:

  • Firstly, assess your diet and find out if you eat balanced meals that include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Underline the nutrients you are missing out on and them choose the multivitamin accordingly.

  • Pay attention for any particular nutritional need you may have. For example, women beyond 55 years are at risk for osteoporosis and thus require higher levels of calcium and vitamin D.

  • Don’t pop vitamin pills anytime like sugar candies! Consult your doctor about the time of taking the multivitamin, as some are better with food and others with an empty stomach.

So complete your nutrient jigsaw with the best multivitamin supplements for women and add more vigor to your life.

Meet the Vital Need of Vitamin B12: A Bit Trickier Concept

For all we know, the micro-organisms, mainly bacteria, are the only organisms capable of producing B12 vitamin. It is estimated that in our digestive canal contains between 400 and 500 different types of bacteria, capable of producing vitamin B 12. It is known that gut bacteria can produce varying amounts of (useful) biologically active version of vitamin B12. However, bacteria producing B 12 are located in the final section of the intestine, preventing the body to absorb an adequate amount of vitamins.

Animals that are recommended to provide us with vitamin B12 produce vitamin B12 in their digestive systems with the help of bacteria, and in case of plants that have not been sterilized the bacteria that produce vitamin B12 get washed away. The animals crammed in meat factories (cows, calves, pigs, chickens, turkeys, ducks, goats, sheep, fish farms, etc.) daily undergo through a holocaust (abuse, stress, toxic diet, lack of physical activity, lack fresh air and sunlight) that makes them sick mainly by the weakening of their immune system.

To solve this, instead of correcting the cause (the Holocaust), animals are routinely treated with drugs to kill microorganisms that can cause disease. Thus, these animals have a “healthy” bacterial population to produce their B12 vitamin. Its population was virtually wiped out, and when it has not been, causes genetic mutations creating new pathogenic bacterial species, which not only affect the animals but humans who consume them. In short, these animals have low levels of vitamin B12 because the bacterial population has been depleted by medications.

Non-vegetarianism is not an option for vitamin B12 deficiency

Let’s take a general case where the end user consumes meat to fulfill his/her need of vitamin B12. The animal he/she consumed was not properly fed and given medications as well. The point here is about getting natural vitamin B12 and I’m sure he/she is not getting it. The worst part is yet to come when the victim has to take synthetic vitamin B12 supplements to carry out the nutritional need. You might be thinking that how is it the worst part when the person is anyway getting the nutrients? The meat he/she had have the same drugs with which it was treated and those drugs are usually stored in the fatty tissues of the animal (animal factory are more tender because there have developed musculature, and therefore have a higher percentage of fat), and that can cause some serious damage to the body.

Our daily requirement for vitamin B12 is 2.4 micrograms. A person with a normal level of vitamin B12 (above 150 pg / ml measured in blood may have a store of vitamin B12 in the liver of 2 to 5 milligrams. Assuming that the person ceases to attain new vitamin B12 (from diet, environment or bacteria), very improbable, the body still has the reserves for about three years, and if his/her diet is rich in B12 vitamin then the body can maintain the equilibrium for more than 20 years without any shortcomings.

Vitamin B12 Supplements

Vegetarians, especially vegans who cannot avail vitamin B12 from animal source are advised to consume foods fortified with vitamin B 12 or regularly take supplements of B 12 to maintain adequate levels. Cyanocobalamin is just the way it appears in vitamin-tablets, while hydroxocobalamin is used in injections of B12. The tablets and capsules are available in pharmacies and health food stores. Often these pills contain animal products, such as gelatin, but if it’s a product free of animal products that are displayed on the packaging.

These are the daily amounts of vitamin B12 recommended for vegans:

  • 1.5 to 2.5 mg twice a day, food enriched with B12

  • 10-100 mg once a day as a supplement

Higher doses of 1,000 mg are not significant, since the body does not absorb. All you can do is to divide the 1.000 mg pill into 4 parts to efficiently maintain the nutritional level of your body. Always use supplements that solely contain B12 as they are the most effective. Additionally, you can consume enriched in vitamin B12 products, such as some soy foods and breakfast cereals (check package before use).

In the product package the percentage of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) provides a dose or indicated portion of vitamins and minerals used. It is within the safe limits if the daily dose of extra vitamins and mineral supplements or fortified foods contains at most the following amounts:

  • Not more than twice the RDA of vitamin A and vitamin B3;

  • No more than 3 times the RDA vitamin of B11 (folic acid);

  • Not more than 5 times the RDA of other vitamins (including vitamin B13);

It is not recommended to take more vitamins than those indicated in RDA, especially if you have ever had cancer. If you are using tablets with higher dose, you should consult your physician first.

Live Healthy with a Healthier Liver Supplements

If you are not a biology enthusiast, this is how you will interpret the functions of some important organs-Heart pumps blood to all body parts. Brain helps us to think and carry out all the work. Stomach digests food. But do you know what your liver does? Your multi tasking liver is involved in various functions such as glycogen storage, hormone production, decomposition of red blood cells and detoxification. As far as detoxification is concerned, liver has an extremely important job. It filters the blood to remove toxins, neutralizes the toxins by breaking them down and finally modifies them into a non toxic form to facilitate their excretion. So much for an organ weighing just about 1.5 kilograms! Want to extend a helping hand in this process? Improve the intake of the following through food or liver supplements:

  • B-Vitamins i.e. Vitamin B2, B3, B6, B12, folic acid

  • Foods rich in vitamins A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E found in fruits and nuts.

  • Flavonoids loaded in fruits and vegetables.

  • Phospholipids in eggs, fish, soyabeans, meat.

  • Glutathione, found in avocado, watermelon, asparagus, walnuts, fresh fruits and veggies.

  • Fish oil rich in omega 3 fatty acids or omega 3 supplements for healthy liver.

How can you protect Your Liver?
Eat the right kind of food:
It has been rightly said that food is like a bank account and good food choices are good investments! A good diet is the simplest way to good health. However these days overuse of pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals has ripped off the natural goodness of food. Hence, opt for organic food that is foods which are free from synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, growth hormones antibiotics and other drugs. These compounds add to the toxic load of your body and thus strain the liver.

Sulfur-rich foods like garlic, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage etc. and liver supplements for detoxification can help your liver to clean up the environmental toxins. Also, fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and help to eliminate some of the toxins via digestive tract, thus reducing the workload on liver. You can always reach out for your spice box for health remedies! Turmeric, saffron, cinnamons are known to support healthy liver function.

Reduce the consumption of Trans fats, hydrogenated fats and saturated fats in your diet. These are found in processed foods, deep fried foods, dairy products and red meats. Excessive consumption of fats can lead to unwanted fat buildup eventually causing a serious disorder called fatty liver disease.

Try to shun alcohol or drink it in moderation:

No matter what, the health hazards of alcohol will always weigh more than the purported benefits its lovers claim. Alcohol destroys liver cells and lead to liver damage causing cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis. So if you are an alcoholic, try to reduce your intake for the sake for your health.

Consider dietary Supplements for liver

Some health supplements for stronger liver is milk thistle, grape seeds or ALA.

Milk thistle is a flowering herb which is not only considered beneficial for liver as well as for health and in diabetes. Seed extract of health thistle helps to promote liver health by fighting oxidation and regenerating liver cells. Research suggests milk thistle has antioxidant properties several folds more than that of vitamins C and Vitamin E. So, go ahead with the milk thistle supplements for a better liver health.

Detox supplements for liver: These supplements are blends of nutrients and herbs which promote liver health and also take care of free radical damage to liver cells. These may contain Curcumin, Milk Thistle, Grape Seed Extract, Green Tea etc.

Alpha Lipoic Acid: Alpha Lipoic Acid or ALA is a powerful antioxidant supplement for liver cell regeneration. Studies have also revealed that ALA is vital for preventing necrosis of liver cells.

Work Out!

Your body loves to exercise. You can keep your body weight under check by burning away the extra fats. Thus exercise helps to prevent fatty liver disease. So why not indulge in your favourite work out and keep your liver hale and hearty.

Keep your medication and supplements in check:

Overdose of drugs such as paracetamol, can lead to liver damage. So consult your doctor before taking any drug and always follow the prescribed dose. Also, certain traditional remedies can contain heavy metals which can result in liver damage. High dose of dietary supplements can be liver toxic and must be avoided.

Apart from these tips, you must protect your liver from viral diseases as well by getting yourself vaccinated.

Will you think twice before shelling out money for a low cost automatic machine which will keep your house absolutely spic and span that too without your efforts. Certainly not! So, why not follow the same approach for liver as well which does the same work, but in your body! This clean up center doesn’t need your bucks but just a healthier lifestyle. So eat well, exercise and live longer with a healthier liver.